Chapter 1

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Years later...

Fateteller and I had to be very careful. We continued meeting up for a few months before the Nightwings became suspicious. It took me another year to convince her to leave with me. 

And then before we could, she became with egg. And not one, but three. The Nighwings wouldn't let her go out on her own anymore, and it was almost impossible to see her. Luckily they had no idea the father wasn't a Nightwing. 

So we waited. And then, she had them. They were all black, further hiding their half-Seawing lineage. She was less guarded after that, and we made dummy eggs to replace the real ones. She told me it would be better to take one at a time. 

And now here I was, flying away with our first egg in my talons. Its black, and so, so small. I had to leave with it first. She thought it would be better that way, make our chances of both getting away easier. Once I've hidden this egg, I can go back for the other two with her.  

Thunder rumbles above me, and I look to see a storm approaching. Don't worry little one, everything's going to be ok. 

The three full moons shine down on me, making it easy to see where I'm headed. 

Then it comes into view, the small tropical island I've been trying to get to. 

I land gently, setting the egg in a nest I had made a few days before. I cover it with fronds, hoping the rain won't start till I come back. Its supposed to hatch with the other two any day now too. 

I take off, straight back where I came from. 

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