Chapter 36

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Though I had a few guesses as to where we were going, and looking at the future paths was tempting, I tried to not worry about it.

Little did I know, I was thinking almost the exact same thing as Clearsight once did, when Darkstalker had first been about to show her his scroll.

Well, at least, not about where we were going. I'm more worried about what happened with that Skywing. He wasn't even scared when he realized Darkstalker had his magic again. He had to have known how easy it would be for him to die. 

So he had to have known something we didn't. That earring he had on didn't look familiar to me, though I'm not sure why it would.

I fly behind Darkstalker so lost in thought I almost don't realize when he turns sharply. 

I quickly follow suit a bit clumsily, then realize where we're going.

We swoop down into the familiar glowing cave I found a while back and sit down on the rocks.

"Oh the mystery cave. I didn't know you knew this place" I say intrigued. Though I could look at his memories a bit, I couldn't see every detail. 

"This was one of the first places I went with Clearsight, but, how do you know it?" He asks, genuinely curious.

"Oh, I found it on one of my first days here. I had come to the beach to clean my scales and spotted it by chance" moons that felt like a long time ago now.

"Really? How coincidental. Maybe it was fate we ended up here together"

He said it lightly and as a joke, but, I have the strangest feeling that's exactly it.

The cool moss glows around us, as magical as I remember. I still hear the soft dripping of water on the stones, and the cool small pools surround us, just as serene.

And in that light, I can see Darkstalker closer.

I knew of course that he was handsome, but it didn't really mean anything to me before. Now I can see clearly how elegant his face is shaped. It was more sharp than a regular nightwings, and his curved and pointed horns were unique and fit him nicely. 

And his eyes, well, they were the most different. 

The sclera of his eyes were pitch black, and his irises a white flecked with silver. His pupils where black as well and almost always were slitted, as though he was constantly staring into a bright light. 

And... Oh no he's smiling at me.


While Rogue had been watching me, I had also been watching her, though a bit less noticably.

She has such vibrant, yet at the same time dark purple scales, that matched surprisingly nicely with her silver ones. And unlike a seawing she had a more compact shaped face, but very fitting for her. 

Her spots were so bright pinkish, as well as her spikes that it almost hurt to look at them too long, though, they faded and brightened slightly every few moments, seemingly doing that without Rogue ever noticing. 

And her eyes, with silver scales like mine, and vibrant as her spots with such a calm and intelligent look to them. 

Her horns were quite simple, but we're unlike a nightwings silver and we're almost pure white.

It's odd. She reminds me a bit of Indigo, that troublesome seawing because of her colors, but other than that... She's a bit similar to Clearsight in a way.

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