Chapter 25

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I fretted over the final decision for a few days, distracting myself with the ruins, seeing all the places I was too busy to explore before. 

Yes, I was avoiding the issue. Again. But really, who would want to wake up a possibly deranged dragon with magic powers just to talk to them about why they're deranged and imprisoned?

not many.

But from what I've glimpsed, it can either go very good... or extremely bad.

But I'm going to do it tomorrow. Can't put it off forever. Especially after figuring out where he was from my visions accidentally. It both excited and terrified me knowing where one of the most powerful and dangerous dragons in all of Pyrrhia was now sleeping peacefully and undiscovered right next to the mountain I visited about a month ago. 

So close by it was almost funny. Poor Stonemover living right beside the very dragon he feared becoming. 

Ok, it's not funny. Nothing about it is funny. I need to be ready to face the immortal. 

But instead of doing that here I am looking at the old school, seeing all the classrooms and seeing how much is left to tell of the students who walked these halls.

I was also surprised to find an overgrown courtyard in one area, the skylight long broken, but the plant life abundant and breathtaking. Small heart shaped leaves on hundreds of vines trailed all over the room, giving it a romantic atmosphere. 

It reminds me, as many things do here, of Thysan and Void. 

Why did I have to trust the eccentric hybrid? Was it just his looks? No, couldn't just be that, although he was handsome. His attitude too wasn't all that trustful. Maybe it was... Because I couldn't see him. In my future sight. Or hear his thoughts with my mind reading.

I lay beneath the moss and wild vines to think more, trailing a talon over the wet petals of small trailing pink flowers.

Since hatching, I've put so much trust and stock into my powers. They kept me safe, alive, and on the right path. Or. They were supposed too.

They failed me when it came to Thysan, not even an inkling of a bad feeling, when it was almost obviously so. It lead me to losing Void, my only true friend.

And in the ice kingdom, when my only real home was burned to the ground, friends of mine losing their lives because of me.

And finally, with my father. Showing him my magic right away was supposed to be a good thing. A show of trust to him. My visions told me it was the best option. But then he left me to doe in the desert. I still question why he left me there, of all places, to try to survive.

And the answer comes to me now, finally.

He wanted me to die.

He was too cowardly to kill me himself, so he brought me to the one place he was sure could.

By now, tears are falling from my eyes uncontrollably, and I lay a weeping mess for a while, falling asleep at the first light of dawn in the bed of soft foliage. A place meant for love turned into a place of sorrow.

My dreams are confusing and blurred.

Fog surrounds me at every turn, and through it I see visions.


Upon thousands,

Of futures unfold before me.

But my eyes can't quite see them, and when I try to reach them, they disappear.

I'm so lost and confused, running in what seems like circles trying to hold onto even one future ahead.

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