Chapter 26

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I'M BACK! HECK YEAH! Ok it hasn't been that long but still. 

The picture above is a hybrid of... My own creations. I'll explain more at the end of this book eventually. But yeah, my new OC Violet. She's supposed to be dancing btw, best picture of anything dancing I've ever done.

I'm very proud of it😋

Ok enjoy-

Flying in the dark with him felt quicker than by myself, even though we were both silent the whole way. He did seem interested in the scenery and the sky. I guess after 2000 years things will change a bit from how they were.

I'm still extremely nervous around him, slightly dreading talking to him.

I'm worried that the entire reason I came to find him might be completely and utterly wrong.

Sure, a large part of it was because of the visions that ensued when I heard his name for the first time. But really, I wanted to prove that he wasn't evil, and that I wouldn't become evil either. From what I'm seeing ahead, before when I spoke to him for a moment, it very well might be the opposite.

So instead of using him as an example of how not all animus's turn evil, he's now someone I want to avoid being. 

Which really sucks. A lot.

But I still have an idea. And, all the burning questions about how he came to be so feared and where it all went wrong.

So not many things to really stress over.

"Where is your family Rogue?"

His voice catches me off guard and my wings falter momentarily. 

"Oh, um, I don't know actually. Haven't seen them since the day I hatched"

"Really? Why is that?"

"Well, because of my animus powers, my father abandoned me. Why do you want to know?"

He 'hmms' a moment before answering.

"Because I'd like to know more about the dragon that released me. Do you mind telling me about your life? Like how you survived?" 

The honest look in his eyes, and how curious he really is, convince me it won't hurt to tell him. 

So, the rest of our flight I tell him everything. From my first days in the scorpion den, to the ice kingdom,  back to the sand kingdom, heck, even everything about Thysan and the old night kingdom. He asks a few questions in-between, but listens attentively the entire time. 

"... and now here I am, taking you back to the old night kingdom to learn what went wrong" I finish.

"So" he starts, "I have an uncle who's a little older than you?"

He asks about Void. 

"Yes, I guess, although he never mentioned having a father. I have a theory he was made from magic even as a dragonet, so you might not be related at all, but like I said; theory"

"Ah. And you almost ended up in a horrible relationship with a greedy toad licking ass"

"Um, yeah?"

He gives me a pointed look, but I don't notice.

"So much bad for such a young dragon. I'm glad you've become as strong as you are. So, why did you need me to prove that? You've already shown you can control yourself and your magic without hurting others"

"I... I want to prove it to myself"


Wings of Fire: Rogue PowerWhere stories live. Discover now