Chapter 7

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(Art is mine! I drew Kohlrabi on paper! I was going to put the night sky behind him but I might make it daytime instead. The camera didn't do justice to his teal highlights on his scales and horns. Here's your proof I'm good at art)

Another few months later...

I finally turned 1 yesterday, and Seel finally gave in and started training me. Its simple moves, that aren't the greatest, but I am just starting out. 

Another thing, is the new assistant. Ever since the nervous skinny dragon showed up, I've felt an uneasiness in the future. Not quite bad, but, it could easily become really bad. 

I also don't like that I can't read his thoughts. Instead of an ice storm or a wall, its like a black hole. Almost like he has no thoughts. But of course he does, so there must be something he can do to block my mind-reading. Maybe he has an enchanted object for some reason? Or he just was born like this? Either way, it unnerves me being around him. 

And he's always asking me odd questions about my origins. Stuff about my parents. I tell him I don't remember much, but, they were both purple (Lie). We all stuck to the story that I was just a Seawing, not a hybrid. 

His name is Stoat, and before he was here he was an errand runner for the queen. He's in the fifth circle, right bellow my dad. 

Although, rankings never really interested me. Father said once I turn two he'll have to reveal me to the queen. 'You can't be a secret forever' he says. 

I'm a bit nervous about it, because of how competitive its supposed to be, but I don't really care as long as my father's with me. 

In a few days he's going on his monthly trip to the castle. 

And, I'm going to follow him.

Of course, the only issue is the ice wall. 

It kills dragons who cross it that aren't Icewing, or at least half Icewing. There are three enchanted bracelets for visiting dragons to use, however they're on the other side. But, that's easy enough for me to get past. 

I haven't used my magic very much. Once when I met my birth father, and a bit ago I made a bracelet to keep my magic from hurting my soul. And a few other things I'll use now. 

Even though I no longer worried about my soul, I still never use it for much. 

Except one thing.

A very special Bracelet. 

While my soul one is thin and silver, nothing remarkable really, this one is gold. Mostly so I can tell them apart better. 

Its a wide circlet, with what looks like a dial on it, with different colored shards of glass. 8 to be exact. All different colors of the rainbow. Currently it was on white, which meant she stayed normal, but, say she turned it to blue, she would become a full blooded Icewing. Or brown a Mudwing. Or a red Skywing. 

She had every tribe at her claw-tips. 

And no one else knew it. 

I felt bad about keeping it a secret from my father and her friends, but I can't be sure how they'd react. The image of my fathers eyes when he realized I had magic, and the cold emptiness that filled him instead of joy, made me afraid. 

I tried to look into the future to see that path if I took it, but even my visions show me I never will. My fear holds me back. Even with thousands of possibility's, not one shows me revealing my power. 

I drop my head in shame at that thought as I wander down the halls. I hope some day soon I can find someone who's the same as me. Someone with power that people are afraid of, even if they aren't bad. 

I enter my room, which like most of the building, is pretty plain. Except for the drawings stuck all over the walls I've drawn. They suck, but, why wouldn't they? I am only a year and a half. Hard to remember that sometimes. 

I pull out a loose paper from under my bed, flipping it over to reveal a map of the castle.

I feel bad having stole this from Seel, but I've almost finished memorizing it. All I really want to do is see the castle and learn a bit about how to act there, so I won't embarrass myself when I go in the future. 

From what I've heard, it's a very strict hierarchy controlled completely by the queen. The circles decide everything for the Icewings. 

When I get there, I'll be put in the last circle of the dragonet version. Once I turn 7 I'll move up to the fully grown dragon one. 

Actually, there are 7 circles, 1 being the royal family mostly and a few very important friends of them. I just hope I can get to 5 like my father, or maybe even 4. Although being a hybrid that's not at all Icewing means I'll get treated more unfairly. But in the futures I see, I can overcome that. 

But only if I go there now. 

I'm not sure why, but my sight tells me if I go now, I raise my chances of a successful life here tenfold. A strange loop in the timelines. 

"Rogue?" I'm pulled out of my thoughts as my father peeks his head in. 

"I came to tell you I'm leaving now. Be good for Seel ok?" I smile, tail flicking nervously under my bed.

"I will! Don't worry!"

"Alright then" he leaves, and I wait till I no longer hear his claws clicking on the floors before turning around determinedly. 

Raising a talon, I tap my blanket. 

"I enchant this object to turn into an exact copy of me, but without any powers"

The blanket seems to shudder, before melting onto the floor and then suddenly pops up, another me looking at me expectantly.

"Good. Now, I need you to stay here in my place so no one notices I'm gone. I'll return to release you soon"

The fake me nods, turning and grabbing an inkwell and paper. 

I leave her drawing happily, pulling out a small metal ring from my wing bag. A tiny crystal is embedded in it, and once I put it on, I whisper-

"Out of sight" 

It turns a shade of red, and I watch myself and it become slightly transparent. 

Now no one can see me, touch me, or hear me. Its like I don't exist. I also added that I can walk straight through walls like this too, although I've never had need of it really before. 

I begin down the halls to the main door. If I hurry, I can follow my father straight over the wall. After turning Icewing of course. 

I spot him quickly, and take off into the sky behind him. I haven't been outside very much, and also never flew much, so it doesn't take long for my wings to tire. 

But I will not give up on this. 

Even with that thought, soon, Kohlrabi is barely a speck in the sky ahead of me, and stars start to fade into sight above me. It doesn't help with how cold its getting either. 

I take a deep breathe, and turn the dial on my bracelet to Icewing. I was afraid it would be painful, but instead, it feels soothing and relaxing as I watch my scales flip to white, and the spikes on my head lengthen. I look into a frozen lake as I fly over, seeing my reflection. My once bright purple eyes have darkened to a deep violet, and small stripes of pale blue line my wings and spikes. 

For a second, I feel more like Kohlrabi, and that if I wanted, I could stay like this. Be the Icewing daughter he could be proud of. Be less worried about. No longer a secret. 

But he wouldn't like it. I see his face looking at me in betrayal when he finds I lied to him. 

I turn my focus back to my mission, feeling energy return to my aching wings as I try to catch up. 

I'm also happy to notice the cold doesn't bother me anymore. 

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