Chapter 22

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... these are... predictions?

Rows and rows of neat but fast handwriting depicting odd random events lines the long scroll, even a few small sketches of dragons doing things, and of buildings.

I spend almost 5 minutes reading the entire thing. It's not till I get to the middle I realize what it's also talking about.

'Darkstalker might be sad tomorrow, so I need to remember to visit him soon'


I scan over the paper excitedly, noting all the mentions of Darkstalker I see to memory. When I get to the bottom, I clearly see the signature of the dragon who wrote this. 


Huh. She must have future sight like me, but, it seems a lot stronger. I can't believe my luck! 

With newfound energy and tenacity, I start copying and reading every scroll I can get my talons on.

By the time I stop, I've learned quite a few things.

Clearsight was Darkstalker's girlfriend that Stonemover mentioned. They were going to live together happily, soul mates. But there were so many ways for it to go wrong. She was very concerned about this, but trusted him. Lots of the predictions are mostly about war outcomes, and different battle strategies. Apparently all this was happening during the war with the Icewings. 

But where did they go wrong? I still don't understand that part of it. Clearsight obviously was watching everything so carefully. How did Darkstalker still become so feared all the nightwings are scared of him to this day?

Once I've gone through every one of the scrolls, and see no new information to learn, I decide I should find a way out to go hunt. I don't need much usually, but, Sandwings don't normally eat a lot. I've forgotten how hungry my actual body can get. 

Luckily Clearsight's room window is plenty big enough. I didn't really want to fly today, but I'll have to to hunt anyways.

While I scan around the nearby forests for something to catch, I keep circling back to those vision scrolls. Something about them bothered me, but I couldn't pin down what. Usually I'm pretty perceptive, so, if somethings up eventually I'll figure it out.

After catching a young buck, and eating him on the beach, I decide to go for a swim again. 

Diving in for a second time is almost as nice as the first, and this time I go much deeper, heading out more to the dark. My seawing night vision isn't as perfect as most, but I can still see better than most dragons. 

The silence that normally would have made me uneasy now relaxes me as I drift around a bit aimlessly, lost in my thoughts. 

I run through what I read several times over before I finally realize it.

About halfway between all those scrolls, the futures were all much happier. Almost no bad events or mishaps. Which is extremely odd.

There are always bad futures, and it would be idiotic to start ignoring them suddenly. So there must be a good reason. 

My talons brush over dark seaweed, when, suddenly,

"BLOGHABBLLEEE!!!" I spurt bubbles from my mouth as I rear back in the water, a dragons face inches from my own. 




The stone dragon seems to be laughing at me as I take in the state of the once proud statue. 

Looking around, I see several others, all over in varying states of sea life and erosion. 

Looking out deeper, I see several buildings and what look to be stone houses all covered in algae and seaweed. I guess some of the night kingdom is now below the ocean. 

Wish I'd noticed sooner before letting a rock scare me to death. 

Well, this explains why it seems so small. There must be a lot more space now under the waves. It has been over 2000 years after all. 

I need to stop getting distracted! 

I swim up, and quickly fly up out of the ocean depths angrily. I came here for a reason, and I can't let myself get carried away.

The inky black sky tells me I've already wasted enough time. I need to stop heading back.

I dive into my room, this time remembering exactly where it is. I pull up a scroll, one I already read, and grip it tightly in my talons.

"Show me the map of the entire castle" I growl out, and instantly the words fade, replaced by detailed and intricate blueprints.

"I want to know at all times where I am on this map" I demand. Right away, a small purple dot appears in a room, presumably the one I'm in now. Perfect. 

I need to stop being so timid, and embrace my magic. What's the point in having it if I can't use it? 

I've already wasted enough time trying to get around quickly. 

No more messing around. 

"Where is the place Darkstalker lived?" I ask, a bit less loudly this time. A small arrow points to one side of the map. Finally. 

Now I'll be able to actually learn something. 

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