Chapter 32

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                             A THOUSAND VIEWS ALL TOGETHER. I mean, I had thought one of my other books would get to that level of fame. Probably because I still haven't finished them -_-

But! Thank you so much for reading this story of mine! Truthfully, if I hadn't noticed so many readers that liked it in the begining I might have never had the motivation to get this far. 

(Maybe I'll do a commission of someone's oc or something, idk. Recently figured out how to move my art over again. Or, maybe have an extra chapter about what Void's doing...)

I might have mentioned it, but to be clear, this is a trilogy. Originally, it was just for Rogue, but plans change. I'm also hoping to end this one at 40 chapters at least.

There will be probably five more books. I promise to finish it all eventually, even if it takes forever. I always get really sad when I start a series, only to learn it's never going to be complete.

Anyhow, enjoy the chapter! 


Now, I'm not saying I love her or anything. I just met her. But, I find myself suddenly caring a lot what she thinks of me.

So I straighten up, and quickly try to calm my mind. I can do this. This is the last thing Clearsight left for me. Despite what happened, I don't think this is a trick, no matter my desperate mind.

If I want to prove myself worthy of my powers back, I need her to think I'm completely stable. Although, I could get them back sooner... but only if the right opportunity arises.

"Come on, there's something I'm supposed to see" I force out, fighting the crack in my voice.

She nods, stepping back a bit as I launch myself off the ledge.

This time around, I fly at a more regular speed so she can stay close. She notices too, and I feel the relief she does not having to strain her wings again.

She follows me into the school, and I'm still not used to seeing it all so broken and overgrown. Like the ground was slowly swallowing the dark stones.

Now we walk silently through the echoing halls, so, so close to what I came here for.

Anticipation pushes all my fear and doubt to the back on my mind as we walk into the rotting art room. Truthfully, it doesn't look that bad, but it's still far from the colorful and cheerful place it was.

There it was. 

Hanging in a frame by the far entrance, was it.

Although time has definitely caused it's colors to fade, the hard limes still keep the odd shape. Dust also covers it heavily.

There were no specific instructions on what to do next, so I approach it slowly. 

I stand barely a foot away but nothing seems to be happening. Rogue just shrugs at me.

"Is that you Darkstalker?"

I freeze in place, while Rogue seems to not have heard the phantom like voice.

Turning back to the drawing, instead of a picture, is a white swirling rectangle.

Without hesitating, I reach towards it.

Heh, I know, very short. But the next two make up for it, I swear. Got a lot planned.

And, there will be a new character making an appearance soon, one never seen before. Unless there happens to be another one just like them I don't know about. Anyhow, till next time.


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