Chapter 15

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Thysan and I fly for hours. He doesn't utter a single word the entire time. I start to worry. What is this about? Is he taking me somewhere bad? Should I be more concerned? Why do I feel... betrayed in some way? 

Unsure of the thoughts running through my mind, I let myself drift through possible futures. Although, they aren't very visible thanks to Thysan. But still, a glimpse of what awaits might help me relax.

It's no use though. Everything is too blurred. I wish I didn't feel so helpless. If this is what regular dragons are like, never knowing what's ahead, then l feel terrible for them. 

Even though I try not to use my mind reading often, I still also would be lost without it. Sometimes it was needed to keep from offending or upsetting other dragons. It helped with finding the right words as well.

"We're almost there. Once we land, don't talk to anyone, and don't look them in the eyes" he sounds more firm, no emotion showing on his face or in his words. 

It's odd, but I only nod silently. He must be meeting with someone dangerous. I'm not sure why he wants me along, but I know I can protect both of us if need be. 

Just like he said, soon we come upon an area more rocky than sandy. And on the edge of it is a stone tower. 

Landing at the bottom of it, I'm shocked to see instead of Sandwings, Skywings guarding the entrance. They just nod to Thysan familiarly, like he comes here often.

I look around nervously when we step inside, going up a spiralling staircase up higher and higher. 

By now my instincts are almost painfully gripping me. This is definitely not normal. Or safe. If I didn't feel safe leaving Thysan alone, I would have bolted long ago. 

When we finally come upon a door, Thysan hisses more instructions to me quietly.

"Don't speak unless I tell you too. Do not touch anything, and above all, follow any orders I give you exactly"

He's still talking oddly. There is definitely something wrong here.

The large doors swing open to reveal what looks like an armor room, with a large throne like seat in the middle. Large windows let in plenty of natural light to shine down.

Sitting and watching them was a very large orange male Skywing covered in armor. He looks up at Thysan as he enters with a slightly annoyed expression.

"Thysan? But your not due here for another week. Why are you-"

"I need your assistance quickly" Thysan interrupts him.

The dragon is a bit taken aback, but gestures for him to continue.

"The scorpion den is no longer safe. I need safe passage out along with my friend" he gestures to me with one wing absentmindedly.

"Why? You make the queen angry again huh?" The orange dragon jokes. Thysan doesn't smile.

"It's about Vultures cult. I don't wanna be around when he finds out I backed out of his deal" 

This gives the orange dragon a long pause. 

"Where do you want to go?" 

"The mud kingdom. From there I can get to the rainforest on my own" the taller dragon nods.

"Smart. Alright. You can stay down below for the night. In the morning, I'll have everything set up" Thysan turns and I follow, giving one last look to the orange dragon who tilts his head at me curiously. 

I wait till we walk all the way down and enter a trapdoor, then enter a small cave room to talk.

"Thysan, what's going on? Why are we here? I thought we were just going on a fly but-" looking around at the misshapen walls and dusty floors, along with his blank face, I suddenly felt very unsafe.

"Be quiet. Soon enough we'll be safe" 

And there he gos again, ordering me around.

"No. I want an explanation. Now" he continues to give me that ridiculous face, as though I shouldn't be able to speak.

"Why aren't you listening to me?" He questions, but it sounds more like he's asking himself.

"Answer me! Or I'm leaving right now!" My patience starts to run thin at this point, my panic mixing with my newfound anger.

"I-We, we are leaving together. Vulture wont stop trying to kill me if I don't give him what he wants. But he can't have it, it's to dangerous. So I'm leaving far away where he can't find me. And your coming with"

Finally, he's talking normally. This i understand.

"Why didn't you just tell me? Man, that could have saved a lot of time" I shake myself off a little, thing starting to make more sense now.

"Alright, well, there's no need to run. I can help protect you. Easy" I smile at his unconvinced face.

"You will protect me? Your a barely 5 year old dragonet still. How could you possibly help" 

My face crumbles as I realize what I just said. I guess I did want to reveal myself to him. Not in a place like this, but it's now or never.

"Just... Don't freak out" I whisper. 

I turn the dial on my wrist to white with a barely audible 'click'.

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