Chapter 28

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I wasn't sure what to make of all this yet.

Sure, I understood that all the dragons I once knew are dead, and that the night kingdom is now ruins. I know my friends betrayed me, and that I lost so much.

What I don't get is this strange young dragonelle that has released me.

Even as a hatchling, much like my own hatching, she understood the power she had and trusted it to lead her path in life. 

She's survived in the harsh desert alone, hidden safely in the ice kingdom, and had a stable life in the scorpion den. 

Sure, bad things happened, and she lost so much, but she still has so much potential! From the little I've learned of her enchantments, they are well thought out and have little to no bad side effects. 

Why in all the moons would she be wasting her time finding him to prove she was strong enough to use her power right???

Maybe that's the reason though. She wants me to tell her if she's doing the right thing. Maybe if I help her, over time, she might return my full power to me. Maybe then I can find a way to get clearsight back.

Pain flows through me at the thought of her, here tear filled eyes still burned into the back of his mind. But everything is going to work out, it has too.

Then, we can both fulfill our destiny's! Rogue hasn't found her calling yet. But with my help, she's sure to succeed.

I stop my planning for the moment, laying beside the bed and drifting to sleep.

Don't worry Rogue, soon, everything will make sense.


Waking up to find the immortal still sleeping, I try to get up as quietly as I can. But my wingtip betrays me, knocking over a scroll from my dresser.

I flinch as the soft paper hits the stone floor, barely making a sound. To me though in the silence, it might as well have been an army of dragons crashing to the ground in pain.

He stirs slightly in his sleep, mumbling something incoherent. 


I want to talk to him, but I don't want to wake him up yet. We flew quite a ways for a dragon who hasn't moved much in the last few thousand years.

It would feel rude of me if I woke him up when he was still tired.

Although, till he wakes up, I have nothing to do but wait. And, think.

While I do though, I shiver slightly, glancing about the room in confusion before sighing. For a moment it felt like someone was watching me. But there's no one else here.

I shake it off, and continue to be deep in thought, avoiding looking into the future timelines. Some things should be a surprise. And of course my trust in it is still questionable.

Note: this chapter is pretty short, only because the next few are going to be short as well, switching between Darkstalker and Rogue. It'll make more sense soon.

I will try to get the next chapter finished today, or tomorrow morning. Hopefully.

Thanks 👍

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