Chapter 17

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I'm brooding in my room when it happens.

I was so frustrated earlier when I got back and learned that Rogue was still visiting that hybrid Sandwing still. How long does it take to paint a single room? For-fricken-ever apparently. I don't trust the slimy weasel.

And I could sense the magic on him too. She noticed too, but let it slide, even when she found it messing with her powers.

"Void! Please, I need your help!" Hearing the command, coming from somewhere deep in my head, I instantly let the earring she gave me fall off.

Before it even touched the floor, my bright white scales disappear into a black hole in front of me.


A black hole appears on the wall from nowhere, startling Thysan out of his monologue.

And in a rush of cold and darkness, Void emerges in all his icewing glory.

Claws outstretched, he lands beside me with a echoing boom, his eyes like fire as he whips around to face Thysan head on. 

Thysan tries to grab something, but a twitch of Void's talons stops him cold.

Before I know it the silver ring Thysan slipped on my falls to the floor and turns to dust.

"Give me the order" 

It takes a second for me to realize what Void's asking.

"No! Don't kill him! That's not necessary!"

Void is staring down Thysan as though he's prey, and he's a wild animal who's starving. It's not a look I've ever seen before, and I'm sure one day I'll see it again. But I can't let him lose control now.

"He tried to trap you. Use you. He took advantage of you!" He only gets worse, and I can see the absolute terror in Thysan's shifting eyes. 

"He's going to die anyways" I whisper. Void is momentarily taken aback.


"You heard me. Soon an assassin is going to come here to kill him. He's made a very powerful dragon very angry" my voice is calm and collected now, fear leaving me and being replaced with an eerie emptiness.

I step closer to Thysan till I'm mere inches away. Unlike a moment ago where I felt safe beside him, now all I feel is pain. 

"You don't need this anymore" 

I rip the earring he's wearing out roughly, and blood drips from his new wound. The silver earrings diamond glints at me like an eye. 

As soon as I do that, my visions spill forward on a rush, as though there was a dam blocking them before. I keep myself from faltering though at the dizziness it comes with.

"Better. Now, listen closely Thysan. I'm going to leave you here alive. Not because I care, but I can't have anyone being suspicious of me and my friend. You understand. Oh, and, hold still" 

I place my talon on his head.

"Enchant this dragon to be unable to tell anyone what happened at all today, or any of the time he spent with me during these last few months. He will also destroy all Animus items he owns as soon as I leave" 

The despair on his face is infinite as I pull away. 

"Rogue?" Void asks, concern slipping through his tough guy act. 

I don't answer him. Instead I turn to the painting on the wall. The one I've spent so much love and care on.

All wasted. 

Wings of Fire: Rogue PowerWhere stories live. Discover now