Chapter 40

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They both look at me blankly. 

"... So nothing yet then? Hmm..."

I tap my tail on the stone floor softly as I ponder a bit. 

Only three items, and no more or less. Limiting myself to three seemed like the right decision, and I can see ahead to quite a few good ones... But a few stand out.

We need them to be very different, and versatile. 


"... I got an idea."

I turn to Jupiter, who looks at me actually with a serious and slightly hard expression, his soft purple irises burning.

"Spit out then"

Dark says, looking a bit annoyed. He had moved to lounge on the bed, looking at Jupiter irritated.

I can't read Jupiter's mind very well, with all the flames. But I do hear a few words here and there... Including now.

... fossilized piece of carrion...

He hisses in his mind, probably towards Dark.

"ANYWAYS" Jupiter says, interrupting my train of thought.

"I thought it would be a good idea, to make something that could heal, just because we don't know what dangers are there"

Jupiter explains, a bit of a growl in his voice.

"Oh, that would be a good idea..."

I ponder aloud as I think. What would it look like though? Well, since Jupiter had the idea, I'll let him decide. Though, I can see Dark is also reluctantly agreeing with Jupiter.

"... Your right, that's a good idea" he grumbles to Jupiter, who looks at him suspiciously.

"Are you messing with me Nightwing?..." He hisses. But Dark shakes his head, actually looking less, angry.

"Nope. Its a good thing to have. The only question is, what will it look like?" He asks him with a small smirk, which makes Jupiter pause.

"Well... It needs to be versatile, so it can heal anyone easily, nothing to heavy or stiff..." I add in, trying to help. I really wish they could get along better.

Jupiter taps a talon on the stone floor in thought, glancing around the room as he thinks. 

"... What about something soft as well? It does heal after all... maybe a blanket?... No to big... Smaller..."

He starts thinking aloud quietly, whilst Dark turns away to mess with the curtains on the bed, and I start trying to think with Jupiter.

Jupiter stands suddenly, yanking the red curtain out of Darkstalker's talons, the Nightwing looking a bit surprised, before he hands it to me.

"A scarf. Make it a red long ribbon scarf. It can wrap around anyone, and should be comfortable but undestroyable"

".. you mean indestructible?" Dark chimes in, but Jupiter ignore him, his intense glowing eyes directed at me only.

His idea seems pretty perfect, so, it sounds good to me.

"Alright" I answer softly, running my talons over the curtain as I cast the spell in my head, the curtain tuning into a long and soft scarf, with gold trim on the ends. I thought I'd make it Skywing themed for Jupiter.

I hand it to him, and he actually smiles a bit, and I know he feels a bit proud he was able to come up with something before either of us.

Now, two items are left though.

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