Chapter 11

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As we wing our way towards the sand kingdom, I think hard on me and Void's earlier conversation.

"The sand kingdom? The one you said is at war?!"


"Why?!" Void is confused. Why wouldn't he be?

"Because we can hide there and see what's happening easier. It's only going to get harder and harder as the war go's on. It's the best place to survey what's happening discreetly" 

I also, kinda wanted to see Harpy again. Of course, she won't recognize me when I'm a Sandwing, but still. 

"Do you have a plan to help end the war?" 

"No. That's the dragonets of destiny's job. It'll be a while till they're able too though"

Ah them. I will see them one of these days. But I can't talk to them too early. Don't want to ruin their futures.

"Well then why do we need to worry about the war?" Void questions.

"Because that's what everyone else cares about. We can't have dragons be suspicious of us. It's essential to our safety. We can't have anyone finding out about our powers and backgrounds. That's where my powers come it"

I tap a twig that fell away from the fire, and a small blue teardrop earring appears. 

"This will let you become the same dragon type as me. It connects to my bracelet. When I'm an Icewing, you will. When I'm a Sandwing, you will be too. Of course, when I'm normal you'll also be an Icewing too" 

I toss the earring to him, and he puts it on without asking any more questions.

And now here we are, almost to the scorpion den. 

I decided we should wait to switch till we got closer, and come up with new names for ourselves. 

I already decided on Bastet, but Void is having more trouble. He wants his name to be 'just right'.

When we finally see the start of buildings on the horizon, I turn the dial to yellow. 

My scales when they change this time is a bit more seamless, less itchy and strange. I turn a bright golden tan, but my frill down my back is almost white. Looking over, Void is a deep brownish, with an even darker frill. But he seems to have kept his leaner appearance still. 

I carefully move my tail, feeling the barb on the end nervously. Hopefully I won't accidentally stab myself or others. 



"My names going to be Jackal" Void says suddenly.


I'm not quite sure yet how me and Voids relationship is. I did save him, sort of, but now I'm dragging him wherever I go. And He has to do everything I say. Which sucks for him. At this moment in time, he's kinda like a... guard? Maybe because he's older than me. 

"We need a backstory" I start.

"How about your my little sister, and our parents left for the war but never came back?"

Seems fine. Lines up with the future paths I think.

"Fine with me brother"

When we get there, things haven't changed much from my memory. Crowded streets, dragons everywhere, either trying to sell you something or steal from you. Younger homeless Sandwings like us wandering around, trying to snatch things from unsuspecting sellers carts. And, the smell of sand and sweat. Remind myself why I wanted to come here again?

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