(Old) Chapter 7

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"Done meditating Vegeta?"

"No you moron cant you see im still trying?"

Currently both of them are in Yardrat meditating.

Y/N has already learned how to use Instant Transmission but Vegeta has not.

"Why do you want to learn Instant Transmission anyway Vegeta?" Y/N asked.

"Kakarot has proven that technique is useful and I'm going to learn this technique to surpass him," Vegeta replied.

"Why do you want to surpass Goku that much anyway."

"That clown has beaten me many times and i don't intend to be beaten again by him, i will be number one."

Y/N stayed quiet and suddenly smirks "I hate to burst your bubble but I'm going to be number one."

Vegeta looks at Y/N and smirks "Dream on i will beat you and Kakarot."

Y/N and Vegeta smirk both of them had earned respect for each other.

All the while Goku smiles at both of them from a distance "You have really changed Vegeta." Goku said as he continues training.


Y/N woke up in the middle of the night because he heard Stelle mumbling in her sleep.

He looks down at her it seems she's having a  nightmare.

Y/N hugs her tightly and stroked her hair "Don't worry I'm here i won't go anywhere." Y/N whispered hoping to calm her down.

It works evident by her heartbeat calming down and her arm holding Y/N tight, the boy smiles as he keeps stroking her hair and going back to sleep.


Y/N and Stelle had woken up the boy tried to ask Stelle what's wrong but she told him it was nothing just a nightmare.

Y/N didn't believe her but stayed silent and just let it go for another time.

Now they are meeting March and Dan Heng in the hotel lobby.

When they are suddenly approached by a silvermane guard "You four come with me." The guard said.

"Why?" March asked.

"Do not ask questions outsider." The guard replied harshly.

All of them didn't have a good feeling what's about to happen but they followed the guard anyway.

"So what do you think is going on?" March asked "They seem to treat us like some criminal." She continued.

"It's probably the Supreme Guardian doing." Dan Heng replied.

"It seems we've been betrayed," Y/N said.

"Why do you think that?" Stelle asked.

"When we were meeting Cocolia i felt a faint energy it had the same feeling of the Stellaron." Y/N explained.

"So the Stellaron was with her the whole time," March said.

"No, if it was with her i would've sensed it. Cocolia is hiding the Stellaron somewhere." Y/N replied.

They were now outside the hotel they can see Bronya and a short blue-haired female.

They were now outside the hotel they can see Bronya and a short blue-haired female

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