(Old) Chapter 22

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Y/N was humming to himself while he was cooking some food for everyone. While cooking Y/N thought about Mira.

"That guy... he was able to hit me in sign. And his power increased when he hit me. Does he have an untapped power waiting to be released?" Y/N thought with narrowed eyes.

"If so then it could be troubling." Y/N muttered.

"Who's troubling?" A female voice said startling Y/N causing him to look back and see Stelle.

"It's just you." Y/N said with a sigh as Stelle giggled.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Stelle replied.

"It's fine... I can't be mad at you." Y/N said while patting Stelle's head.

"Hehe~ what were we you thinking about?" Stelle asked while enjoying Y/N's headpats.

"Just something I was worrying about." Y/N replied.

"Hm... okay then I won't pry." Stelle said.

"Come on let's go to bed." Y/N said as he walked towards their bedroom.

"Can we do it tonight?" Stelle asked.

"Sure." Y/N replied.


Stelle dragged Y/N into the bedroom. Later that night both Fu and Shallot couldn't sleep because of the noise their making.


Y/N was with Giblet they were walking around Loufu. They're trying to find both Mira and Towa.

"So how long you've been doing this?" Y/N asked Giblet trying to spark a conversation.

"A little bit over five years." Giblet replied.

"What made you do this anyway? Don't get me wrong it's a nice job I'm just curious." Y/N said.

"Well, it started when I was in a tournament called the Tournament of time. The tournament consisted of many fighters that came from different periods of time." Giblet said surprising Y/N.

"Then which period are you from?"

"Well, I was from the past. Me and my brother were abducted to the tournament. Both of us realized that the tournament was just an evil scheme."

"Who was the guy?"

"Zahha. He was mostly on Shallot's side pretending to be his ally. But he betrayed him both of us then sought out to defeat and in the end, Shallot was the one who defeated him."

"I see then what made you into a time patroller?"

"After the tournament of time both of us were visited by the supreme Kai of Time. She offered us to join her or return back and lose our memories. Obviously, we joined her."

"So that's why."

"You're not so bad Y/N what made you train to achieve Ultra Instinct?"

Y/N then began telling his stories about him meeting Merus and when he defeated Moro. Just as the two was chatting two figure appeared above them.

"Hello, Giblet." Towa said.


"Y/N..." Mira growled out.


Y/N activated Ultra Instinct sign while Gible turned into Super Saiyan God. Both of them took their usual fighting stance.

"Why have you come to us?" Giblet asked not letting his guard down.

"Mira won't stop screaming about fighting Y/N again so I decided to just let him fight him." Towa replied.

"And that's why Giblet you'll be fighting me!"

Towa fired a purple Ki blast at Giblet but the Saiyan dodged the blast. Giblet then flew towards Towa and fired multiple Ki blasts. While that was going on both Y/N and Mira stared at each other.

Both of them rushed towards each other before hitting each other in the face. Mira retracted his fist and delivered another punch but Y/N dodged appeared behind Mira and kicked him in the back.

Y/N then followed it up with a punch to the kidney causing Mira to cough up blood.

"Kidney shot." Y/N said with a smirk seeing Mira coughing up blood.

"Grr... why you!"

Mira rushed towards Y/N again and was about to punch him but Y/N dodged. Y/N then tried to punch Mira but to his surprise, Mira managed to block his fist. Mira then kicks Y/N away.

"What the hell?! He's improving as he fight." Y/N muttered as he watched Mira growl in anger before releasing all of his energy.


Y/N puts his hand in front of him. The sheer power of Mira's energy was able to push him back.

Eventually, Mira stopped and looked at Y/N before disappearing and reappearing in front of Y/N while trying to punch him in the face. Y/N backflips away and fires a Ki blast at Mira who rushes through the blast surprising Y/N.

"His speed and durability are increasing as we fight. I can't let this fight drag on!"

Y/N dodged another one of Mira's punches and kicked him away. Y/N cups his hand and prepares to fire a Kamehameha.


Y/N fired the attack as it enveloped Mira. Y/N continued firing the attack as Mira tried to rush through it.


Y/N increased the power of the beam causing Mira to lose his footing and being pushed back by the attack.


Mira screams in pain as the beam continues before finally stopping. Y/N put his hand to his side and looked at Mira he was now bloody and had multiple bruises on his body.

"Mira!" Towa yelled before disappearing in front of Giblet and reappearing in front of Mira.

"Mira you manage to hit Y/N in Ultra Instinct. In just a little time you will surpass him." Towa said with a sinister smirk on her face.

"We'll be back Y/N and be prepared Mira will surpass you." Towa said before she opened a portal taking Mira with her and disappearing.

Y/N deactivated Ultra Instinct and touched his cheek. Y/N felt there was blood coming out from his cheek. Mira was able to graze him in Ultra Instinct. Y/N looks at Giblet and both of them let out the same word.

"This is bad."


Yo! Surprise! I finally updated this story after a month.

Now before you get your pitchforks this story isn't my focus anymore. My main focus is my Ultraman Nexus and Kamen Rider Decade story because they're longer so I'm now going to focus on them more.

But don't worry I'll be updating this story from time to time at least once every month considering this so my first story and it did start off my career as a Wattpad author.

Anyway that's about it Also check out my Decade and Nexus story. And as always I'll see you Potatoes next time


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