(Old) Chapter 11

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Fist clashed as Y/N and Moro fought.

Y/N kicks him in the side but Moro grabs his feet.

Not falling for the same trick again Y/N fired a Big Bang Attack point blank.

As the attack hit Moro he was sent flying to a mountain he looks up and saw Y/N flying higher to the sky.

Once high enough he puts his hand up and a ball of Ki manifested between his hand before he fires it as showers of energy fall towards Moro.

Once high enough he puts his hand up and a ball of Ki manifested between his hand before he fires it as showers of energy fall towards Moro

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Moro recovered himself and tried to dodge the attack but he was too slow as a beam hit him straight on.

Moro winced in pain as the other beam hit him thinking quickly he produce a barrier of Ki around him and fly towards Y/N.

Y/N continuously fires multiple Ki beams hoping to break the barrier.

But Moro manages to get to him before his barrier breaks and punches him in the face.

Y/N was sent flying but he recovered in mid-air. He looks towards his opponent and saw Moro firing a Ki beam at him.

Y/N puts two fingers on his forehead and teleports behind Moro and kicks him in the head and knocking him back.

Not giving Moro time to recover Y/N rushed toward him and punched him sending him flying to the ground.

Y/N landed a few feet away from Moro as the planet eater stands up again.

Moro growls before smirking "I didn't think you grown this strong this fast if I didn't know any better I would have thought you were a Saigon." Moro said as he smiles sinisterly.

Y/N stayed silent as he kept staring at him waiting for him to make a move.

Moro scoffs as he didn't see any reaction from Y/N.

Moro then smirks "Your teacher must be proud of how far you come." He said tauntingly.

Y/N's body twitched as Moro mentions his teacher's anger slowly building up in him.

"Looks like he didn't die for nothing even if you can't use your full power." Moro continued taunting Y/N.

Y/N clenched his fist and grit his teeth trying to calm down.

But suddenly "Y/N!!!" He heard someone shout his name he turn to look at the source and he saw Stelle.

They have finished fighting Svarog and manage to convince him to help them with the help of Natasha.

"BEAT HIM!!!" Stelle shouted as Y/N smiles at her and she smiled.

Moro scoffs and attempted to fire a Ki blast toward her but Y/N grabs Moro's hand and crushed it.

Moro yelps in pain as Y/N released his hold on him.

"Insolent mortal I'll kill you as I killed your master," Moro growled at Y/N but he remained calm.

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