Chapter 8

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It was quiet...

No sounds were heard except his aura and his opponent aura. Moro the planet eater... he was killed by the Saiyan Son Goku but right now he stood in front of him alive.


"There's no need to worry about that."


"Right now Y/N... all I want is my revenge."

In a blink of an eye Y/N was kicked in the gut by Moro. Y/N coughs up blood before being knocked away. He recovered himself by sliding on the ground and activated Ultra Instinct before evading a punch from behind.

He counted with an elbow to Moro chin before throwing him away. Moro recovered himself quickly before smirking and firing multiple Ki blast towards Y/N. He dodged effortlessly but didn't manage to evade Moro beam before it's too late.


Y/N was pushed back and was knocked into a container. In the distance Dan Heng watched with wide eyes as he saw Y/N being absolutely unmatched.

"I've never seen him this outmatched..."

"Just who is that guy?"

Sushang asked as Moro walks towards Y/N before lifting him up by the hair. Moro forced Y/N too look at him.

"Pathetic... you once had the power to beat me and now it's gone."

"...I still do."

"Where? Don't try and deny it boy. I know you haven't use that technique of yours in years haven't you?"


"I once considered you my rival but now all that's left is a weakling!"

Moro throws Y/N away and he landed in front of Dan Heng. He stood back up again but suddenly Ultra Instinct deactivated.


"All out?"

Y/N looks up and saw Moro floating in the sky. The planet eater brought out his palm as he charged a Ki beam.

"I've... still got some in me..."

"Then let's test it out."

Moro fired a Ki beam while Y/N fired the Kamehameha. A beam struggle ensues with Moro slowly winning but then Y/N forces UI to activate which cause both beams to explode on each other.

Moro was sent flying away into the unknown while Y/N was knocked away into the ledge of the ship but was caught by Dan Heng.

"He's badly injured."

"Let me handle this."

Dan Heng turned to Luocha and saw the man with a necklace. The necklace healed Y/N wounds before he was fully healed although still knocked out.

"There. With how much that fight took out of him it may take a few days for him to wake up..."

"You've done enough. Thank you."

"...I'm getting an earful from Stelle."

With Stelle

Stelle was sitting on top of a trash can. She would usually scour it but she's not in the mood because Y/N not here.


The girl sighs and continues to slump. Then suddenly she felt something. Something was telling her that something has happened to Y/N.

"What is this...? Sense of a dread?"

Stelle looks at the sky in worry. She felt like Y/N body was in a troubling situation. It was then that March called her telling her that they found traces of Kafka.

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