Chapter 5

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The Attendant of The God Of Destruction Beerus. Older Brother to Merus.

He stared at the angel in front of him with narrow eyes. Whis expression was a smile while he casually stopped Y/N punch with a finger.

"I see your temper is always the same."

"Why are you here?"

"Mind backing off first?"

Y/N clicked his tongue before pulling his fist back. He glared at Whis with hostility. He felt something bad is happening when an angel themselves has to intervene.

"To answer your question. I am here by my lord's order and The Grand Priest."

"Beerus I get but why The Grand Priest?"

"An unknown threat is looming in this universe. Grand Zeno wants Goku to check it out but now they can rest easy with you here."

"Don't talk too soon... I could barely use Ultra Instinct for 30 minutes now how do you think I can handle this threat?"

"That's where you're wrong."


"Ultra Instinct is a technique that will allow you to move without thinking. Even you haven't used it for years the body still remembers."

Y/N pondered his thoughts before looking at his hand. Ultra Instinct when it lay dormant it was waiting to be used.

"Then why does it feel almost... alive? When I stopped fighting I feel it power wanting to be released."

"Who knows? That perhaps is your version of Ultra Instinct just like Goku version is a transformation."

His own version? That couldn't be right... he once used it power to the very fullest. After that he can't used it again no matter how hard he tried.

"I will take my leave... keep this universe safe and try to let go of the mistakes you made."

Y/N stayed silent as Whis took a step back. Whis tapped his staff before he warped away from here.

"I'm no savior..."

A few minutes later...

Y/N Instant Transmission to where Stelle and the others were. He watched a few feet away as Seele and Bronya bonded. It looks like he missed a couple of things.

He walks towards them making his presence known. Stelle smiled softly while Bronya and Seele greeted him.

"So what did I miss?"

"It turns out Bronya is originally from the underworld."

"Not that surprising."

Y/N waved that information like nothing and crossed his arm. Stelle nervously smiled at Y/N while Seele sight.

"I wonder why you're always so cold?"

"None of your business."

"I thought that was your response."

Y/N scoffs and looks in another direction. He spotted a couple of Automatons. He put his palm in front of him and fired an energy ball. An explosion occurred before all of the Automatons were destroyed.

"I'm curious what's that energy thing you always use?" Seele asked with a questioning look.

"Ki. The energy of every living being... That's all you're getting from me."

Y/N answered their question but they went silent. He turns around and was met by shocked faces.


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