(Old) Chapter 1

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"So Y/N since you don't have any fighting experience the first thing i will teach you is..."

"Is what?"

"how to DODGE!!!" Merus instantly punch Y/N in the gut, the poor boy gasped and fell to his knee, and clutch his stomach.

"Merus why?" Y/N whimpered

"The first thing you do in a fight is to never let your guard down," Merus replied innocently.

"I get that but why did you punch me so suddenly?" Y/N asked the Galactic Patrol member.

"Because i want to see how fast your reflex is." Merus responded "And i see it is kinda slow."

"What part about having no fighting experience didn't you get!" Y/N shouted.

Merus merely chuckles at his student's reaction "Well you see Y/N while you may have never been in a fight, in a fight there's more than just punching someone you have to rely on all of your senses."

Y/N looks at his teacher in awe "Well then i just have one more question."

"What is it Y/N?"

"WHERE THE HELL ARE WE!!!" Y/N shouted

The place they are in is like a wasteland with no sign of any plant and not even any living being, only a field of stone of hills and mountains surrounding the two of them.

"Ah that since you will be training with me i decided the best course of action is to find the best place for you to train in." Merus happily responded.

"But do we really have to go on a different planet to do that?" did i forget to mention they were on another planet?

"Of course, my dear student because here there will be nothing to interfere with your training also call me master from now on."

"Sigh okay master," Y/N responded weakly.

"Then let's start my student."


"Hm, it seems there's an unknown anomaly in Elio script." The silver-haired girl said.

The taller female looked at her companion and then back to the boy and said "What's your name cutie." the purple-haired girl asked.

Y/N blushed when she called him that he tried to remain calm and responded "Y/N LN what's yours?"

"You can call me Kafka and the one beside me is silver wolf."

Kafka so that's her name Y/N knew something was suspicious is going on with the both of them he thought those two are the cause of the alarm.

While Y/N was thinking Kafka saw the package he was holding and could feel something familiar with it.

"Well then Y/N we mean you no harm how about you come and follow us at the moment," Kafka said while Silver Wolf looked at her in disbelief but Y/N only looked at her confused.

"Why?" The boy asked

Without saying anything Kafka moved towards Y/N and dragged him by the hood of his jacket while Silver Wolf was following her from behind.

Y/N's mind went blank after what she did and just decide to go with it while still holding the package.

After a couple of being dragged by Kafka, they stopped in a room full of computers and screens "Elio's script doesn't have any information on the location of the stellaron in the future he foresees..." Silver wolf said, "Which means we found the stellaron in a non-physical way." Kafka continued.

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