Chapter 3

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He isn't sure what made him stay here. Was it the guilt of his past coming to haunt him or was it his instinct trying to push him further.

"I should've stayed in bed..."

Y/N looks at the ceiling at his new room. He was given this room by the express after officially becoming one of them.

"The Nameless... that is a fitting title for someone like me."

Taking a look at his room it was empty except for the bed and a desk. He has no intention to expanding but for now he'll take a rest. Walking to his bed instead of laying down on it he instead sat on it in a cross position.

His body began floating as his hair went up. Y/N closed his eyes and let his mind be clear and silent.

"If it wants me to fight again then I'll need to train to use it again... back then I could use sign without any time limit but now... I could barely stay in that state less than 30 minutes."

Letting out a sigh Y/N continues meditating. An aura of heat surrounds him as he continues his training to try and once again achieve Ultra Instinct.

The Next Day

Y/N was in his room staring at his hand. Due to his training he was once again resonated with the technique of the gods.

"Still not like the strength I had three years ago... but this will suffice 30 minutes is good enough." Y/N muttered before putting it on his side.

Knock! Knock!

"Y/N! It's me!"

Y/N recognizes Stelle voice through the door. Even though she showed no emotion he could feel there something deep within her that was dangerous.

"What is it?" Y/N asked not opening the door.

"Himeko wants us to meet her in the lobby in 20 minutes." Stelle answered.

"I see. Tell her I'll be there on time." Y/N said before turning around but suddenly his vision changed.


Y/N saw a person standing in front of him. His surrounding changed into a deserted wasteland. Y/N recognizes this place and he isn't happy one bit being here.

"Is this what has become of my student?"

Y/N tense up at the person words. His eyes showed fear and guilt as he looks at the person in front of him.

"A coward who's afraid to fight because of one mistake?"

"Get out of my head..."

"You're a coward! You're a weakling! You hold the power of the gods but you don't use it!"

"I said get out my head!"

Y/N fired a Kamehameha at the person engulfing them. The beam disappeared and the person disappeared.

"In the end... you're useless."

"Y/N! Y/N!"

Y/N eyes widened before he saw Stelle in front of him looking at him with a worried face. Y/N noticed he was laying on her lap and was breathing heavily.

"What... happened?" Y/N asked tiredly while sitting up.

"You weren't responding to me and I opened the door and saw you were standing still and was breathing heavily." Stelle answered while having a worried look on her face.

"Are you okay?" Stelle asked but she knew the answer.

When she first meet Y/N he was looking at her with a face full of guilt but then changed into a normal one.

Trailblazing Instinct (Male Reader X Honkai Star Rail)Where stories live. Discover now