(Old) Chapter 10

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Y/N is currently meditating he woke up earlier than Stelle and got up and started meditating on the floor.

"What makes me happy," Y/N thought as Ultra Instinct is currently active.

He has been meditating for two hours and can't seem to find something to make him happy.

Y/N opens his and let a growl of frustration before looking to his left and saw Stelle still sleeping.

Seeing her like this Y/N moves towards her and caresses her hair.

Seeing her made his heart beat madly why does he always feel like this when his around her?

And why does Ultra Instinct work more efficiently when he's around her?

Y/N widened his eyes and realized how could he be this stupid.

Y/N smiles and leans forward and kisses her lips, she is his happiness that's why Ultra Instinct is better when she's around.

Y/N lays down on the bed and cuddles Stelle and close his eye to sleep a smile on his face.

But unbeknownst to him for a brief second his H/C hair turns.



Y/N and Stelle had woken up and were now meeting with Oleg and Seele.

And when they saw a familiar figure they immediately put their guard up.

"What is he doing here?" Y/N asks as he pointed to Sampo.

"Oh, what's with the hostility my friend," Sampo replied.

"You abandoned us the moment you saw the silvermane guards," March exclaimed.

"You still hang up on that it was a long time ago," Sampo replied not feeling guilty at all.

"Long time ago my ass it was five days ago," Y/N replied as he stood protectively in front of Stelle.

"That's enough whether you want to or not his the only one who can guide you to see Svarog," Oleg said gaining their attention.

"Ugh fine," Y/N said albeit a little reluctantly.

"Now then let me explain the plan," Sampo said as he explained the plan.

After explaining the plan they went to robot town while Oleg stayed behind.

They arrived at robot town and went to the gate to Svarog place but were stopped because they don't have any certification.

Then Sampo told them how to get the certification.

First, they met with a robot to get a certification and they met the second robot that increased the rank of the certificate after fighting it. Lastly, they met with the final robot and got the certification.

But after all that effort "Access denied you do not have Clara verification." The robot said.

"Clara the girl we met last night," Stelle said.

"When did you meet her," Y/N asked her but she only avoided his gaze.

Y/N sighed and just let it after that they tried a new plan and that is to find Clara.

They went to rivet town to find her and split up to increase their chances of finding her.

After a while, Stelle manages to find her, but they only manage to talk to her for a while before she leaves.

They went after but Y/N stayed behind and Stelle noticed "Y/N what are you doing standing there?" Stelle asked as the others turn to look at him.

Y/N closed his eye "I know you're there...

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