Chapter 2

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"What's is this?"

"This heat is unnatural..."


Y/N stood in front of the doomsday beast. An incredible heat surrounds him and his eyes are now silver.

Taking a deep breath Y/N took a fighting stance and stared at the beast. Y/N moved his right leg and in a blink of an eye, Y/N was suddenly behind the doomsday.

"When did he move?!" March yelled in shock.

"I... I don't know." Dan Heng said as his eyes widened.

Y/N glared at the doomsday beast. His eyes then flash before he reels back his right hand and punches the air. The force of the punch hit the doomsday beast in the chest causing it to fall on the ground.

Y/N landed on the ground before staring at the beast. The dragon got up and glared at Y/N with hate.


It flapped its wings and flies to the sky. The doomsday beast fired a barrage of blasts from its mouth.

Y/N stood in his place unmoving. When the blast hailed to him Y/N dodged every single one of them. Not once getting hit.

Y/N stood in his place before his eyes glowed and in a blink of an eye, he was in front of the beast. Y/N punched the beast in the chest sending it crashing into a wall before the teen suddenly appeared in front of it and fired a yellow blast at it.

The doomsday beast was hit by the attack before recovering itself. The beast fired a fireball at Y/N who blocked the attack with his hands but was unaware of the hand that was coming towards him.

"Y/N behind you!"

Y/N heard Stelle yell before turning around and saw the dragon's fist heading towards him. Y/N widened his eyes before blocking the punch with his hand but he was sent flying to the ground.

Y/N slides on the ground and uncrossed his hands. The doomsday beast landed in front of him revealing a core between its hands.

"Tch!" Y/N clicked his tongue in annoyance before rushing to the beast once again.

Meanwhile, the others were watching Y/N fight with the doomsday beast intensely. But Himeko noticed something with his attack.

"Something seems wrong..." Himeko muttered gaining the attention of the other three.

"What's wrong?" March questions.

"The way he fights it seems forced..." Himeko said whilst staring at Y/N deflecting a blast but not counter-attacking.

"Forced?" Stelle asked.

"Look at the way he defended himself. He could've easily countered it but he didn't. And another time when he went on the offensive he managed to attack but didn't manage to block." Himeko explained while narrowing her eyes at Y/N attacking but was hit by its hand.

"You mean he has trouble switching from offensive to defensive?" Dan Heng asked while staring at Y/N.

"Yes. It seems this power... has a weakness it has a lag when switching from offense and defense." Himeko explained that her theory became clear when Y/N managed to dodge the doomsday beast fist but was unable to counterattack.

"...We have to help." Stelle said with her usual monotone voice but a hint of worry was heard.

"Then let's get to it! March cover us!"

"Got it!"

"Both of you with me!"


Back with Y/N, he seems having trouble with his breathing. Evident by his seemingly breathing heavily.

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