(Old) Chapter 12

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"Damn him and that accursed technique," Moro growled in frustration.

"If only that girl didn't intervene I would have beaten him."

Suddenly Moro sensed something "This energy feels like the girl." He smirks and then flies toward the source.


"Where's Bronya?" March asked Seele noticing the silver-haired girl is missing.

"She went alone but she told me to give you this," Seele said as she handed a letter to them.

Stelle grabs the letter and reads it, the letter told them if something happens to her go and meet Serval and Gepard the former is easy to convince while the latter will be hard but if he sees the reason he will help.

After reading that the Astral Express crew nods ready to go back to the overworld "I have one question?" Y/N said with one finger up.

"Why is he still here." Y/N then pointed to Sampo which makes the other deadpan seeing him.

"He will be the one to take you back," Oleg said.

"Why are you still hostile my friend we've been through so much," Sampo said offended.

Y/N deadpanned and instinctively stood in front of Stelle and holds her hand.

The girl smiled as Y/N holds her hand tight.

Then after some banter, they leave the underground and went back to the overworld.

"Ah, it's good to be back here," March said as she inhaled the air.

"How does it taste," Stelle asked.

"Refreshing and cold mostly cold, actually let's leave," March said as she felt cold.

They then went to Serval's shop.

"Oh, it's you guys," Serval said as she greeted the group.

"Serval we need your help." Dan Heng then explained everything that has happened Serval agreed to help.

They were about to leave but suddenly they hear the door knocks "Serval you there?" Gepards voice can be heard behind the door.

"That's Gepard quick hide," Serval said as others quickly hide.

Y/N carried Stelle in a bridal carry surprising her and float to the roof as Gepard enter everytime he turns around Y/N moves behind him.

After a while of hiding Gepard left and Y/N lands back on the ground and put Stelle back on the ground.

"I didn't know you can do that," Serval said being surprised by Y/N floating on the roof.

"What can I say I'm a man of surprise," Y/N replied as Stelle giggled and grabs his hand.


After that they went to the Silvermane restricted zone Serval talked to a guard and lied about fixing something there now they are standing in front of the gear bridge with one of the sides broken.

They tried to move to the bridge but it seems to be deactivated so they decided to go fix it.

They walked to a big machine being locked by a gate, Serval tried to negotiate with the guard guarding the machine but the guard said to talk to a Silvermane Captain named Dunn.

They went to Dunn "Dunn how are you doing I didn't know you'd been made Security Captain." Serval greeted.

"S-Serval it's been a long time you still so...Ahem...You still look good." Dunn nervously said while Y/N smirks.

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