(Old) Chapter 20

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With the three weebs

The trio are currently sitting in a seiza position while looking down as Stelle glares at them coldly.

"So where did you go?" Stelle asked with a scary smile.

The trio stayed silent not wanting to anger her any further. They looked at each other as a telepathic conversation ensued.

"Fu, how fast can you open your portal?"

"In two seconds why Y/N?"

"Because I rather help you with your experiment than face her anger."

"That's a bad idea Y/N but it would guarantee us to live for a while but also guarantee death."

"That's way better! Let's go!"

"Can you two please not do that?"

"You don't know what's it like to have a girlfriend shallot! It's a pain in the ass!'"

"Surely can't be that bad?"

"Because you never had a girlfriend!"



The trio hurriedly look back at Stelle and saw she was holding a stick and it was already snapped but if you look closely you can see smoke.

"Do you want to answer my question Y/N L/N?" Stelle asked coldly using his full name.

"Um, Stelle it's not what it looks like," Y/N said trying to stay calm.

"Oh then please explain." Stelle said crossing her arms.

"I was helping Shallot here get a girlfriend so I showed him how to flirt. But I didn't expect that lady to kiss me." Y/N explained.

"But that doesn't change the fact you still flirted and kissed her."


"Shut it!"

"Yes ma'am."

Stelle glares coldly at Y/N before glaring at Fu and Shallot who trembled at her gaze. She then turns to Y/N and walks to him. Y/N quickly looks at his friends and starts telepathically talking to them.

"If I die delete my search history."

"We got you, my man."

"We will swear on Krillins life to do it."

"Thank you."

"Wait isn't Krillin lif-"

"Let me have my fun Shallot."

Y/N trembled as Stelle gets closer to him and closes his eye expecting the worst but what he didn't expect was for her to boop his nose.



Y/N opens his eye and saw Stelle smiling before laughing and hugging him. Y/N was very confused and so we're the other two.

"Fufu~ did you expect I would slap you? N/N?" Stelle asked.

"Kinda." Y/N causing her to blush.

"Good, so you know that."



Y/N holds his cheek in pain after Stelle slapped him very hard. The other two stared at their comrade with wide eyes and thought.

"This woman is dangerous!"

Stelle grabs Y/N's face and kisses him on the lips. Y/N was surprised but he returned the kiss while the other two had their jaw open. Moments later Y/N and Stelle separated and looked at each other.

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