Chapter 9

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Y/N was still holding Stelle hand gently not letting go. Welt and Himeko are looking at him outside the door.

"He hasn't eaten in seven hours."

"Y/N told me he won't eat until she wakes up."

"Himeko do you think... Y/N blames himself for what happened to her?"

"It's something to do with his past. From what I've found he lost someone and still hasn't been able to move on."

"I see... let's give him some space."

Welt and Himeko walked away while Y/N stayed beside Stelle. He hadn't even move an inch that how much he cares for her although he doesn't show her.

"Look at you... wallowing in guilt."

"I don't need to hear a word from you."

"A student always has to listen to their master."

"Shut up! You're just in my head! You're not real!"

Y/N rubs his temples trying to ease the pain. He looks at Stelle and couldn't help but feel guilty. He failed to take care of her... he broke his promise with Kafka.

Speaking of the woman. She looked worried like him when Stelle went unconscious. Looking at Stelle he pulls his hand away from hers.

"I'll be back... Just be okay."

Y/N stands up and used Instant Transmission. He appeared in a jail cell and its inhabitant Kafka.

The woman was quite surprised when he suddenly appeared but then return back to her usual self. Looking closer Y/N noticed her eyes were different and was interested but for now he sits in front of her.

"Ara~ I didn't think I have visitor so soon~"

"I see you're the same as always."

"I'm always the same Y/N nothing will ever change for me."

"Is that so..."





"This is awkward..."

Truth be told Y/N was here because he wanted to ask Kafka some questions but the woman decided to indulge him in some small talk... which he is terrible at.

The two are now engulfed in awkward silence. Kafka has her usual smile while Y/N was emotionless but deep down he's feeling awkward.

"Alright~ no need to get awkward. What do you want to ask?"

"How did you-"

"Darling it was obvious. Why else would you visit me?"

"To ask you out."

Now that got a blush out of Kafka. His sudden response got her off guard. She heard snickers and looks at Y/N annoyed.

"Who knew that you out of all people could blush?"

"Shut it. I am still a woman at heart."

"Whatever you say..."

"Now then... what's your question."

"...Why did you entrust Stelle to me?"

"Oh that? It's quite simple."


"As you may of know... Stelle is like a newborn curious to what surrounds her. She tends to like simple things like trash cans and she can get a bit emotional as well."

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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