(Old) Chapter 17

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Y/N appears in front of Stelle surprising her but she then immediately hugs him while Y/N hugs her back.

They both separate before Y/N notices a new face a woman with fox ears stood there watching them.

They both separate before Y/N notices a new face a woman with fox ears stood there watching them

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The woman was intrigued by Y/N's power and also thinks he's the cause of shockwaves.

But meanwhile, Y/N was debating were her ears were real or not but Y/N's hands went to her ears and stroked it.

Everyone looked in shock at Y/N's action while Stelle had a dark look on her face.

The woman purrs making Stelle's expression even darker eventually the woman had enough and pulls his hand away.

Y/N then snaps back into reality and realizes what he's done.

"I'm sorry I'm so sorry miss uh?"

"Tingyun" she replied with a red face.

Y/N suddenly shivered and felt a terrifying aura behind him. He shakily turns around and saw Stelle her hair covering her eyes and a purple aura surrounding her.

Y/N gulps if he didn't know any better he would have thought she was a god of destruction.

Stelle grabs Y/N's hand tight making the boy yelp "Y/N care to explain what we're doing to her." Stelle looks up and smiled at him but Y/N knew that smile promised's him pain and suffering if she didn't like his answer.

"I um ah"

"Hm..." Stelle grips hand Y/N tighter making Y/N wince in pain.

"I just wanna know if her ears are real or not." Y/N quickly said.

"Is that so?" Stelle lets go of Y/N and looks at him suspiciously while Y/N grabs his arm in pain.

"It seems you're not lying but as punishment, no more playing legends for two weeks," Stelle said as she changed Y/N's password.

"Wait Stelle no please part two of the anniversary is about to come out," Y/N begged Stelle but she only looks away.

"Please I'll do anything." Y/N immediately regretted saying that but he was desperate okay.



Stelle then looks at Y/N her cheeks were a bit pink as she grabs Y/N "Then I want to go on a date."

Y/N couldn't help but blush to see this cute side of her usually it's him the one who's getting embarrassed.

"Right now? Aren't we in the middle of an expedition?"

"Oh don't worry about that it'll be a while before we meet the shogun so go have fun you two." Tingyun said making Stelle happy.

"Then that's settled then let's go Y/N," Stelle said as she drags Y/N into god knows where.

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