Handing back literature research papers, attendance, and bakery shift

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After breakfast, Marinette fed the Kwamis some fruits before leaving for school, Sabine bagged up Marinette's clean gym clothes and polished up her sneakers.

Sabine: There. All set. *Tom zipped up a bag of cookies and put some in Timmy's lunch bag. Bridgette brushed off her shirt, Marin put on his backpack, and Timmy petted Tibbles and Angel goodbye. Marinette came downstairs holding a plate. *

Tom: Put the plate in the dishwater and marinette. I'll do the dishes.

Marinette: Okay. *She puts the plate in the dishwater. *

Tom: Okay, I got all your lunches. Marin: Bologna and cheese sandwich, chopped up celery sticks and grape tomatoes, water, and some chocolate macarons.

Marin: Thanks, dad. Bye, mom. *He takes his lunch bag and leaves the house. *

Sabine: Bye, Marin.

Tom: Bridgette: A veggie wrap, small salad, peach slices, Smart water, and some crackers.

Bridgette: Thanks, dad. *She kissed him on the cheek. * Bye, mom. *She kissed her on the cheek too. *

Tom/Sabine: Goodbye, Bridgette.

Tom: Marinette: Turkey and cheese sandwich, carrot sticks with ranch dressing, apple slices, Fiji water, and some strawblueberry macarons.

Marinette: Thanks, dad. *She kissed her dad on the cheek and kissed her mom on the cheek. * Bye.

Sabine: Bye, honey.

Tom: And Timmy, a flutternutter sandwich, banana, celery sticks with ranch dressing, and chocolate chip cookies.

Timmy: What's a flutternutter?

Sabine: It's a peanut butter and marshmallow fluff sandwich.

Timmy: Oh, okay. Thanks, Dad. *He hugged his dad; he grinned and hugged him back. *

Sabine: Come on, sweetie. Time to take you to school. *They both leave the house and walk to school together. At the College Francois DuPont building, Marinette walked up the steps when she saw a limo pulled up. *

Marinette: (Rolling her eyes) It's probably Chloe in that limo. *The limo door opened, and it was just Amelia, Carlie, and Samantha. * Phew.

Amelia: So, doing anything after school?

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Amelia: So, doing anything after school?

Carlie: Have to visit my Aunt Ruth. It's been a while since my last visit.

Samantha: My mom's boss is coming over for dinner tonight, so I'm going dress shopping.

Amelia: Sounds nice.

Samantha: Just hope it's nothing too cheap or out of style. I am a Fashionista.

Amelia: You are.

Marinette: Oh. Hi, Amelia, Samantha, Carlie.

The end of it all (A Trust that can't be broken) A Lukanette StoryWhere stories live. Discover now