Closing up the bakery, mailing the envelope, and epilogue

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In the bakery, Willa rang up the next order and Marin handed Carlos some boxes for his delivery routes.

Marin: Okay, here are the orders you told me. Two loaves of baguettes, a box of croissants, a whole lemon bundt cake, a small bag of choquettes, 1 dozen walnut brownies, six fruit tarts: two blueberries, two strawberries, and 2 lemons, 4 dozen macarons: 6 vanilla, 6 strawberry, 6 chocolate, and 6 matcha green tea, and 1 dozen chocolate chip cookies.

Carlos: Wow, that's a lot.

Marin: Yeah.

Willa: Consider this the last delivery before we close up. *She hands Sabine the box where the slice of carrot cake is inside. *

Sabine: Here you go

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Sabine: Here you go.

Male customer: Thank you, Sabine. *He leaves the bakery with the box and Carlos leaves the bakery doing one last delivery route. *

Marinette: Okay got the s'more cupcakes done, got the lava cake done, and helped bake the pies.

Tom: I'm impressed, honey.

Marinette: Thanks, dad.

Tom: Think you can make dessert for tonight's dinner?

Marinette: Sure, dad.

Tom: That's my little choux-choux chef. *He rubbed her head and started clearing up the kitchen, with help from Bridgette, Timmy, Estelle, and Alfonso. Outside of the bakery, Carlos finished up the car with the orders, got in the car, and started driving down the streets, he looked over the address order list and stopped at a Floral shop, where Uniqua is. *

Carlos: Hi, Uniqua.

Uniqua: Oh, hello.

Carlos: (hands her a bag of two loaves of baguettes) Here are your baguettes.

Carlos: (hands her a bag of two loaves of baguettes) Here are your baguettes

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Uniqua: Thanks. *She gives him 2 euros, he grins, gets back in the car, and drives off to the next stop. * Nothing fresh bread from the best bakery in Paris. *He then stopped at the Osaka residence, he knocked on the door and Masako and Shinnosuke opened the door. *

The end of it all (A Trust that can't be broken) A Lukanette StoryWhere stories live. Discover now