Dinnertime and talking about the Caseworker

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In the Agreste Mansion, Adrien played his piano when the door knocked.

Adrien: Hide, Plagg. *Plagg hides in Adrien's jacket. * Come in. *The door opened and he saw his Father. *

Father: Adrien, dinner's ready.

Adrien: Okay. Will you join me tonight?

Gabriel: Not tonight, I have something last minute to do.

Adrien: Okay. *Gabriel leaves the room and closes the door, Adrien opens his jacket and Plagg flies out. *

Plagg: That's new.

Adrien: He always says he has work to do at the last minute. Not that I'm surprised about that. I thought he would be cut off for less work, but not all stuff can happen when you wish for it.

Plagg: It'll get better, kid. Now let's go, I'm hungry.

Adrien: (eye rolling, annoyed) You're always hungry. Come on. *He opened his jacket and Plagg flew in the jacket and closed it up then headed downstairs to the dining room. *

Yvette: Hello, monsieur Agreste.

Adrien: Hello, Yvette.

Yvette: The chef has made tonight's dinner. *She lifted the lid and revealed the dish the chef made. * Penne pasta with a side of Caesar salad and a small saucer of camembert cheese.

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