Finished arcade date, lunch, and helping out in the bakery

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In Marinette's house, Tom spreads some mayonnaise and adds a piece of lettuce and a piece of turkey on top, a tomato slice, and a piece of cheese, then top it off with another slice of bread. He takes the plate and puts it in front of Timmy. Marin fed Tibbles and Angel their dog food and water.

Timmy: Thank you.

Tom: You're welcome, son. *Marin eats his bologna and cheese with a bag of chips and water. * I hope Marinette and Bridgette are having fun out.

Marin: Bridgette left? I didn't know she was gone. *He takes another bite of his sandwich and Timmy eats his sandwich. *

Sabine: I'm sure they're having fun.

Marin: If the bakery is not too busy, mind if I hang out with my friends?

Sabine: Sure, honey. *She drinks more of her green tea. *

Marin: Okay.

Tom: When the girls come home, I decided to have something planned for all of us to do.

Sabine: What's that?

Tom: That's a surprise, think you two can hold on until then?

Marin: I'll try.

Timmy: Okay. *Tom fixed Sabine a bowl of soup. *

Tom: Here you go.

Sabine: Thank you. Also, after work, we'll have to go over the paperwork. And all of you can help out with that.

Marin: What do we have to do?

Sabine: (Picking up a spoon and stirring her soup) We'll tell you what we have to do when we do it.

Marin: Okay. *They all enjoy their lunches and talk some more. In the Codename: Fun Zone, Marinette, and Luka went through some games in the arcade, and now they turn in their tickets for some prizes at the prize booth. *

Prize booth worker (Larry): Hello, I see you both have some tickets

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Prize booth worker (Larry): Hello, I see you both have some tickets.

Marinette: Yes, we do.

Larry: Okay, let's see what you got. *Marinette put out her tickets and Larry counted them up. * You have 100 tickets. Anything you want?

Marinette: I'll have a bendy straw, a slinky, a small blue teddy bear, and a sticker book.

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