Heading to the Eiffel Tower, putting together the mannequin, and the winner

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In Marinette's house, everyone's done with lunch and they head back to the bakery. Sabine and Bridgette head to the counter, waiting for the other employees to come back so they can open up the bakery.

Tom: Hmm... Bridgette, wanna take a break from the counter and help me in the kitchen?

Bridgette: Sure. But, are you okay with this, Mom?

Sabine: I'm fine, honey. I could use Marin's help here.

Marin: Okay. I've been cooped up in the kitchen anyway.

Tom: Okay, no second arguments. Come on, Bridgette.

Bridgette: Okay, papa. *She heads to the kitchen and Tom goes in too and Marin stays by the counter. *

Sabine: Think you'll know what dessert, pastry, or treat to give to what customer?

Marin: Yeah, think so.

Sabine: (putting her hand on his shoulder) No need to worry so much, honey. If you need any help, Willa and Carlos can help you.

Marin: Thanks, mom. *Soon, the door opened and they saw the workers coming back from their lunch break. *

Sabine: Hello, everyone.

Estelle: Hi, Sabine.

Sabine: Head back to your stations, we'll let people in real soon.

Alfonso: Okay. *They head back to their station, and Willa spots Marin at the counter. *

Willa: Hi, Marin. Are you at the counter with us?

Marin: Yeah, for now.

Sabine: I told him if he's stumped on something, please don't hesitate to ask for any help.

Willa: Oh. Well, I'll be happy to help you out if you need anything.

Marin: Thanks, Willa.

Willa: You're welcome.

Sabine: Better unlock the door. *She left the counter, unlocked the door, and removed the 'Back from Lunch 30 minutes' sign off the door and flipped the closed sign to open, then walked back to the counter. * Now we wait.

Marin: Okay. *At the Eiffel Tower, the girls take the elevator to the top floor, where both Max and Aeon are standing. Soon, the elevator went ding and the door opened. *

Max: Hear something?

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Max: Hear something?

Aeon: I did. Wonder who could it be? *Soon, Marinette, Alya, Rose, Juleka, Alix, Zoe, Sabrina, Jessica, and Amber came out. * Hey, girls. Here's your last item. *She holds out a small box, Zoe takes the box and opens it, inside is a pair of Ladybug earrings. *


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