Getting the weapons, going to the Tuileries Garden, and find the suits

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In the bakery, Sabine hands the customer a box that has the Ube cake inside.

In the bakery, Sabine hands the customer a box that has the Ube cake inside

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Sabine: Enjoy your Ube cake.

Male customer: (holding the box) Thank you, Sabine. *He leaves the bakery with his cake. *

Bridgette: What is a Ube cake?

Sabine: It's a traditional Filipino chiffon cake or sponge cake made with ube halaya. It is distinctively purple, like most dishes made with ube in the Philippines.

Bridgette: Oh. Okay. Looks different as a purple cake.

Sabine: Yes it does look different. But in the end, it's still a good cake.

Bridgette: Okay. *Soon, Mrs. Howards, Emily, and Leo walked into the bakery. *

Sabine: Hi, Emma. Hello, Emily, and Leo.

Mrs. Howards: Hi, Sabine.

Emily: Hello.

Leo: Hi.

Sabine: What can I get you three?

Mrs. Howards: I'll have a walnut brownie. What do you guys want?

Emily: A Unicorn cupcake, please?

Leo: I want a chocolate cupcake, please. *Sabine put in the total. *

Sabine: That'll be 3 euros. *Mrs. Howards goes inside her purse, pulls out her wallet, gets out 3 euros, and hands them to Sabine. * Thank you. *She opened the register, put the money inside, and closed it up. *

Bridgette: (assembling the box) I'll get the order, Mom.

Sabine: Thank you, Bridgette. *Willa got the walnut brownie and two cupcakes: Unicorn and chocolate, she closed the box and added the bakery sticker logo. *


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