Cardiovascular system, delivery job, and confronted by Chloe (again🙄😠)

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After the first class, in Ms. Mendeleiev's class, Ms. Mendeleiev wrote down on the board the Cardiovascular System and underlined it, then faced the class.


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Ms. Mendeleiv: Quiet down, everyone. Let's get started. We already covered the Reproductive System, now we will talk about the Cardiovascular System. The Cardiovascular System is a crucial part of your body. When your cardiovascular system is working right, the cells in your body get a continuous supply of oxygen and nutrients from your blood. Blood vessels also remove carbon dioxide and other waste. *She writes it down on the board. * There are five main organs in the Cardiovascular System, those are the heart, which is a muscular pumping device, and a closed system of vessels called arteries, veins, and capillaries. *She writes down the main organs in the Cardiovascular System on the board. * I will tell you all what each organ can do in this system. But first, let me show you a diagram of what the Cardiovascular System looks like. *She pulled down on the Cardiovascular System chart, used her pointer, and pointed at the diagram. * This is what it looks like.

 * This is what it looks like

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Nino: Whoa.

Kim: How does it work?

Ms. Mendeleiev: Well, blood comes into the right atrium from the body, moves into the right ventricle, and is pushed into the pulmonary arteries in the lungs. After picking up oxygen, the blood travels back to the heart through the pulmonary veins into the left atrium, to the left ventricle, and out to the body's tissues through the aorta. In other words, this system pumps blood from the heart to the lungs to get oxygen. The heart then sends oxygenated blood through arteries to the rest of the body. The veins carry oxygen-poor blood back to the heart to start the circulation process.

Sabrina: (writing down in her notebook) The veins carry oxygen-poor blood back to the heart to start the circulation process over.

Chloe: Write my notes, Sabrina. I might chip a nail.

Sabrina: No.

Chloe: Sabrina, that is an order. Do it!

Sabrina: I said no. Now be quiet. *Chloe groaned angrily and looked straight ahead. *

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