After rehearsal talk, heading home, and Juleka and Luka's visit

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After Kitty Section and Emo-Nerd's rehearsal, everyone heads down to the living room to eat the treats Marinette brought in from the Bakery.

Alya: (Tries the Rena Rouge flavor cupcake) These are pretty good. Much better than the ones you brought before.

Marinette: Guess my dad made them a little bit better. *She picked up a Ladybug cupcake and a strawblueberry macaron and stuffed one in her purse for Tikki. *

Tikki: Mm. *She takes the macaron and eats it. Snowflake stands on Marinette's leg, panting. *

Marinette: (Rubbing her head) Oh, hello

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Marinette: (Rubbing her head) Oh, hello.

Timmy: Puppy.

Juleka: You can play with her. *Timmy pet Snowflake, she sniffed and licked his face, and he chuckled. *

Timmy: That tickles!

Anarka: Aye, I think she likes you, lad. *But then, she ate his macaron. *

Timmy: Hey! She ate my cookie.

Luka: Snowflake, no. You don't eat that. *Snowflake whimpered. * She's always doing this whenever there's food.

Anarka: And I just gave her a treat.

Rose: Aww. *Snowflake rolled over and panted, Timmy rubbed her tummy. *

Luka: Listen, I was wondering if you're not too busy tomorrow, we could, y'know...

Marinette: Sure. Might be a little busy in the morning, but yeah.

Luka: Okay. Whenever is good.

Marinette: Okay. *Everyone enjoyed the cupcakes and macarons. In the bakery, Tom, Sabine, and the other employees handle the closing shift. *

Tom: Thank you, Alfonso.

Alfonso: You're welcome, Tom.

Tom: Thank you, Estelle.

Estella: You're welcome, Tom.

Tom: You two are done for the day. Just meet back at the counter, my wife and I wanna say some things to you all.

Alfonso: Okay. *They head to the front of the bakery as Carlos, Jalissa, and Willa help out on closing. Carlos wiped down the countertops, Willa took out the trash, and Jalissa swept the floor and put the swept-up debris in the small waistband. *

Jalissa: Hhhha. Sweeping's done.

Sabine: Thank you, Jalissa. *She puts the broom against the wall. *

Tom: Listen up, not sure if you all know what's been going on lately. But...

Sabine: Tom and I are adopting a baby. *The employees were happy to hear that.

Estelle: That sounds great. Is it here in Paris or...

Sabine: We're gonna be adopting in China.

Willa: China? Wow.

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