Talking to friends, Felix's arrival, and planning a switch-a-roo

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After the final class, everyone leaves the classes and heads home, Marinette opens her locker and starts getting her homework assignments for her classes.

Marinette: We have three hours left to stop Adrien from getting on that train! From the looks of it, he doesn't enjoy his career as a model.

Nino: Hang on! You wanna stop Adrien from traveling around the world? Adrien who's never allowed outside his house? Adrien who's never seen anything his whole life?

Alya: It's cause Lila's going with him, isn't it?

Rose: If you're his friend, you gotta let him go and live his dream!

Marinette: But it's not his dream! Adrien hates the film shoots! The photos, he can't stand it anymore! I'm not trying to save him from Lila but from his father! He doesn't know how to tell him that he doesn't want to be a model anymore!

Kim: Everybody wants to be a model.

Nino: If he didn't want to model anymore, he would've told me. He's my best bud.

Marinette: He told me himself.

Alya: Marinette. You can't decide what Adrien does with his life, Lila or no Lila.

Marinette: But—

Alya: As your BFF, I refuse to follow along with this plan, for your good as well as his. You cannot risk messing with someone else's life. *Marinette is about to give in, but the risk takes over her. *

Marinette: Guess I'm going solo on this one. *She leaves the school hallways; she sees Luka outside on his bike. *

Luka: (Holding out a bike helmet) Hey.

Marinette: Hey. *She puts on the helmet. * Guess you heard about Adrien leaving?

Luka: Looks like it, yeah. How about you?

Marinette: Not well.

Luka: Aww, what happened?

Marinette: I'll tell you on the way.

Luka: Okay.

Marinette: Just take me home. *He starts pedaling her there. Meanwhile, Risk was pedaling down the street. *

Risk: ♫ I'm Froggy, here I come, I'm not afraid of anyone. ♫ *Suddenly, a Firetruck stopped at the school. *

Firetruck Driver: Ah, driving without a helmet is so liberating

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Firetruck Driver: Ah, driving without a helmet is so liberating.

Kim: I'm gonna swim the entire Seine!

Max: I'm coming with you!

Kim: But you don't know how to swim.

Max: That's why I brought my ducky! *Kim and Max launch themselves into the Seine; Luka rode his bike to her house. In Adrien's room, Adrien goes to pack his things sadly but to his surprise, he sees Félix sitting on top of his luggage. He gasped and looked surprised at Felix in his room. *

The end of it all (A Trust that can't be broken) A Lukanette StoryWhere stories live. Discover now