Returning home, dinnertime, and message from Luka

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After the subway ride, Marinette and Luka stopped at the bakery.

Marinette: Thanks again for today.

Luka: You're welcome, not what we were both hoping for, but it was good.

Marinette: Yeah, it was. Maybe tomorrow we'll start fresh again.

Luka: Maybe. I'll let you know.

Marinette: Okay. *They both kissed and Marinette headed inside and Luka got on his bike and pedaled home too. In the living room, Tibbles and Angel were watching Marin put some food in their bowls and some water in their water bowls too. *

Marin: There you guys go

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Marin: There you guys go. *They start eating their food and Marin goes into the kitchen and wash his hands. Then, the door opened and Marinette walked in. *

Tom: Hey, honey. You're right on time. Dinner will be ready shortly.

Marinette: Okay.

Tom: Would you mind setting the table for us?

Marinette: Sure. *She goes to the cupboards and grabs the plates, she puts them down on the table, Marin dries his hands, opens the drawer, and grabs spoons, forks, knives, and some cups. He also set the table and got some napkins too. *

Marin: Okay, the table's set

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Marin: Okay, the table's set.

Sabine: Just about. *She puts a pitcher of water on the table and she carefully pours the water in the cups. * There we go.

 * There we go

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