Dinnertime and talking about what's plan for the adoption process

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The sun started to set in Paris, France, the doorbell rang and Tom walked to the front door and opened it, it was the Dim Sum Delight delivery boy.

Delivery boy (Stan): Dupain-Cheng resident?

Tom: Yes, sir.

Stan: Here you go. *He hands Tom a big brown bag. * 20-euros.

Tom: Right, here you go

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Tom: Right, here you go. *He hands him the money. *

Stan: Thank you. *He walked out of the doorway and Tom closed the door. *

Tom: Dim Sum is here.

Marin: Yes! *Sabine and Marinette set the table and Tom put the bag down then started taking out the food and placing them on the table. *

Bridgette: (pouring water in cups) What kind do we have this time?

Tom: (opening up the lids) We got Har Gow, that's chicken shrimp dumplings, Pecking Duck, Mapo Tofu, and some Wonton Soup.

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Marin: You didn't forget about the

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Marin: You didn't forget about the...

Tom: (holding up a box of egg rolls) Haven't forgotten the egg rolls. *Marin chuckled. *

Marin: You almost had me there, Dad

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Marin: You almost had me there, Dad. *Tom chuckled and put the box down on the table. They all sit down and one by one, each person serves a dish on everyone's plate. *

Timmy: I never had much Dim Sum.

Bridgette: (picking up chopsticks and using them for her Har Gow) Sorry about that.

Timmy: It's okay. *He tried some wonton soup. Tom poured some soup into Marinette's small bowl. *

Marinette: Xiexie. Adrien taught me how to say thank you in Chinese.

Sabine: (stirred her spoon on the wonton soup) It's so wonderful that you've been learning some Chinese words before our trip.

Bridgette: (holding a cup of water) I learned some words too. Little sister is mèimei, big brother is dàgē, and big sister is Jiějiě.

Tom: (raising his glass cup) Here's to getting all of our paperwork in on time. *They all clink their glasses and drink some water. *

Marin: Now there's nothing to do but wait. Hope it won't be long.

Tom: Oh, we still have more to do.

Sabine: For one thing, we need to make room for your sister.

Marin: (picking up an egg roll with chopsticks) Oh, yeah. I did say she could share my room. *He takes a bite of his egg roll. *

Tom: We'll have to box up some of your stuff to make room for her crib, a changing table, and other stuff.

Marin: Okay. Hopefully, my room is big enough for all that stuff.

Sabine: It will, we just need to make some space and small changes to it. But don't worry, not all of your stuff will go away.

Marin: Okay. *He eats the other half of his egg roll and moves on to his wonton soup. *

Bridgette: And then when you move out for college, the baby will have your whole room.

Marin: You're forgetting about holiday breaks.

Bridgette: Oh, yeah. That. *She eats a wonton and drinks some water, everyone else keeps talking and eating their food. *

Sabine: Why don't we start tomorrow evening to start boxing up some of your stuff, how's that?

Marin: Okay.

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