Inspection done, heading to the Liberty, and leaving the Liberty boat

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In Marinette's house, Logan is done inspecting the whole house and he writes down the last of the progress and faces the family.

Logan: I observed your home and I have to say... it's acceptable for the baby.

Sabine: Thank you, Logan.

Logan: My pleasure. I'll tell Janice about your progress and she'll call you back about all this before the day ends.

Tom: Thank you and hopefully, we'll hear from her later on.

Logan: Yes. Just need you to sign a few lines. *He put the paper on the table, pulled out two pens for them, and Tom and Sabine grabbed a pen. * Just sign on the blank lines. *They signed the paper and clicked their pens. * Thank you both.

Tom/Sabine: You're welcome.

Logan: Before I leave, I wanna let you know to box up the forms and have them mailed to this address.

Tom: What address?

Logan: Hold on. Does anyone have a sticky note?

Bridgette: I do. *She goes into the supply drawer and hands a pad of sticky notes to Logan, he writes the address down and shows it to them. *

Logan: This is the address the Adoption Agency in China is at

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Logan: This is the address the Adoption Agency in China is at. *They looked at the address. *

Tom: CCAI (Chinese Children Adoption International). Okay, that's a good place.

Logan: Yep. So, hopefully, they'll accept the forms you filled out and the home inspection resume I filled out and got my approval, I'll tell Janice about this too. She'll tell you when to put everything together before nighttime. Just be alert for her phone call.

Sabine: (holding out her phone)  I have her number.

Sabine: (holding out her phone)  I have her number

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Logan: That's good. I'll be off. Thank you again.

Tom: You're welcome. *He walked Logan to the door and out of the house. *

Sabine: (putting the paper in the manila folder) Well, glad we got that covered and done.

Bridgette: So, what now?

The end of it all (A Trust that can't be broken) A Lukanette StoryWhere stories live. Discover now