End of pool day, Lukanette date at the arcade, and Chloe's plan

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After the pool trip, they all go somewhere more fun. Marinette was about to go, but Luka took her hand.

Luka: Hey, wait.

Marinette: Yeah?

Luka: I wanted to take you somewhere fun.

Marinette: Okay, like what?

Luka: I'll show you where. My bike is right there.

Marinette: Okay. *They both walk to the bike, he takes her bag and puts it on his bike basket, leans her a helmet, puts it on, puts one on, puts on his knee and elbow pads, and they both get on the bike and pedal away. Bridgette saw them leaving. *

Bridgette: Hmm, wonder where they're going. *Soon, her phone buzzed, she looked at it and it was her friend, Teresa, messaging her. * Hmm, it's Teresa. *She opened the message. *

💛: Hey. Doing anything?

🦚: Just came from the pool. Why?

💛: Me, Lindsay, and Lauren are going to the shoe store and buying some shoes. You wanna come with us?

🦚:  Sure, I'll come. Where can I meet you all?

💛:  Meet us at the bus stop by the school.

🦚:  Okay. *She put her phone back and checked her purse to see if she had some money. * I have enough for another pair. Hopefully. *She walked to the bus stop near the school. At the Le Grand Paris Hotel, Chloe filed her nails and Lila scrolled through her phone. *

Lila: So, when is this girl coming?

Chloe: She should be here soon. Hmm... *Soon, her door knocked. * That might be her. *She got up and Jean-Butler opened the door and let the girl in. *

Jean-Butler: Mademoiselle Chloe, Miss Clara is here.

Chloe: Thank you, Jean-Marc. *Jean-Butler nodded his head once and closed the door, Clara walked up to them. * Ugh, what took you so long?

Clara: S-sorry, I was doing some housework and was held up with other stuff

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Clara: S-sorry, I was doing some housework and was held up with other stuff.

Chloe: (Putting her finger on Clara's lips) Zip it, Clara.

Clara: Okay. What can we do?

Chloe: We're gonna make someone I despise the most suffer and humiliated.

Clara: Um, may I ask who?

Chloe: Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

Clara: But why?

Chloe: I'm gonna show her what it's like to not get in my way or make me irritated. And you're gonna help us.

 And you're gonna help us

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The end of it all (A Trust that can't be broken) A Lukanette StoryWhere stories live. Discover now