Helping out in the bakery, saying goodbye, and phone call for Sabine

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In the bakery, the line got long with 6 people, Sabine handled the customer while the phone rang, and Carlos picked up the receiver as he picked up a notepad and a pen.

Carlos: Tom and Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie, how can I help you? *He nodded as he wrote down the order on the notepad. *

Sabine: Hello, Evan. Katie.

Evan: Hi, Mrs. Dupain-Cheng.

Marin: Hey, you guys go to my sister Marinette's school?

Katie: Yeah, we do.

Marin: Oh, cool.

Sabine: What can I do you two for?

Evan: I would like one vanilla cupcake.

Katie: And a vanilla glazed donut, please? *She puts down two euros, and Sabine puts in the total. *

Sabine: Your total is 2 euros. And you're paying with cash, correct?

Katie: Yes, ma'am. *Sabine takes the money and puts it in the register. *

Marin: I'll get the order, Mom.

Sabine: Okay. *Marin assembled the box and started getting the tongs for the vanilla glazed donut from the donut display case and he went to the cupcake display and got a vanilla cupcake with yellow buttercream frosting. He put them both in the box, closed the box up, and added the bakery logo sticker. *


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Marin: Here you go

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Marin: Here you go.

Sabine: Thank you. Here you go.

Evan: (taking the box) Thank you, Mrs. Dupain-Cheng.

Sabine: You're welcome. Next? *Evan and Katie walked out of the bakery and another customer walked up to the counter. Then, Carlos hung up the phone. *

Willa: What do we get?

Carlos: Ms. Schwartz is having a small tea party and she wants a whole pineapple upside-down cake.

Willa: Okay. *She grabs a box, assembles the box, and the phone rings. *

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