Friday morning, breakfast time, and cleaning the house

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In the city of Paris, France, the sun starts to rise in the blue sky, the sun's rays beam through the window and Marinette's phone beeps, she sits up, rubs her eyes, turns off the alarm on her phone, and she looked over at Tikki, who is still sleeping. She quietly got out of bed, opened her trapdoor, and walked downstairs to the dining room, where she saw her mom put two slices of bread in the toaster and let them both toast. Then, Bridgette poured some orange juice into her cup. She then washed off an orange and unpeeled it.

Sabine: Good morning, Marinette.

Marinette: (reaching for the box of Fruity O's and a bowl) Morning. *She poured some cereal into her bowl, then opened the milk carton and poured it into the bowl. *

Sabine: Today's the day

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Sabine: Today's the day. Wanna know why?

Bridgette: The Caseworker comes over and inspects our house.

Sabine: Yes, Bridgette. *The toaster popped out two toasts, she opened the grape jelly jar and spread the jelly on both toasts, she checked on the waffle from the waffle iron and it was fully done. * Your toast, honey.

Bridgette: Thanks, mom

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Bridgette: Thanks, mom. *She picks up a piece of toast with grape jelly and takes a bite, she then places a plate with a waffle in front of Timmy. *

Timmy: Thank you, mom.

Sabine: You're welcome. *He added some blueberry syrup to his waffle and he started eating it. *


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