Seeing Aunt Olivia and cousins, movie ending, and meeting Luka

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In Amber's house, Carmen dusted the house as Jason wiped the windows.

Carmen: The windows look great, Jason.

Jason: Thank you, mom.

Amber: Mom, I'm done with the dishes and I just vacuumed.

Carmen: That's good, Amber. Your aunt and your cousins should be here in less than 5 minutes. *Soon, the doorbell rang. * That must be them. *She puts the feather duster away, opens the door, and sees her sister niece, and nephews. * Olivia.

Olivia: Hey, Carmen. *They both hugged. * You remembered Kevin, Phil, and Marina?

Carmen: Yes, I do. Hi.

Kevin/Phil/Marina: Hi, Aunt Carmen. *They hugged her. *

Carmen: Come in. *They all came inside her house and she closed the door. * Amber, Jason, come say hi to your Aunt and cousins.

Amber: Hi, Aunt Olivia.

Jason: Aunt Liv!

Olivia: (hugging Amber and Jason) Hello, Amber and Jason. *They also said hi to their cousins. * Where's Daryl?

Carmen: He's at work. He doesn't get off for 1/2 an hour.

Olivia: Okay.

Carmen: We're about to go to a cafe, would you like to join us?

Olivia: Sure.

Carmen: (holding her purse and keys) Okay. Let's go. *They all left the house, she locked the door, and they all started walking to Cafe de Flore for lunch. * So, how's Robert?

Olivia: He's okay. His mom's in the hospital.

Carmen: Loretta's in the hospital, what happened?

Olivia: A mild heart attack.

Amber: Is she okay?

Olivia: She is. We're lucky it was early, if we didn't call the ambulance much sooner, she would've died from a heart attack.

Carmen: I hope she's doing okay.

Olivia: Robert's going back to the hospital and check if she's okay.

Carmen: Hopefully she's okay.

Olivia: Hope so too. *They keep walking to the cafe. In the bakery, there were 7 people in line. *

Sabine: Hello, welcome to the Boulangerie Patisserie, how can I help you?

Male customer: I would like 1 dozen of your Neapolitan macarons.

Sabine: (putting in the total) Okay, your total is 6 euros. Would you be paying with a card or cash?

Male customer: I'll pay with a card. *He pulled his wallet out from his pocket and pulled out a 10-euro bill. *

Sabine: Okay. *She takes the money from him, opens the register, puts the money in the register, and closes the register. Willa assembled a box, went to the macaron display case, put 12 Neapolitan macarons, closed the box up, added the bakery logo sticker, and put the box on the counter. *


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