Math lessons between two schools and lunch break for employees

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In College Francois DuPont and Mr. Tenny's class, Mr. Tenny faced the class holding his clipboard and pen, ready to take attendance.

Mr. Tenny: Okay, before we get started on today's lesson, let me do attendance. I know you're all here, but let's just make sure. Adrien Agreste?

Adrien: Here.

Mr. Tenny: Elise Anderson?

Elise: Here.

Mr. Tenny: Arwen Bourne?

Arwen: Here.

Mr. Tenny: Ivan Bruel?

Ivan: Here.

Mr. Tenny: Elizabeth Campbell?

Elizabeth: Here.

Mr. Tenny: Alya Cesaire?

Alya: Here.

Mr. Tenny: Amelia Davis?

Amelia: Present.

Mr. Tenny: Marinette Dupain-Cheng?

Marinette: Here.

Mr. Tenny: Will Flynnheart?

Will: Here.

Mr. Tenny: Serena Garcia?

Selena: Here.

Mr. Tenny: Mylene Harpele?

Mylene: Here.

Mr. Tenny: Nicole Harrison?

Nicole: Present.

Mr. Tenny: Max Kante?

Max: Present.

Mr. Tenny: Alix Kubdel?

Alix: Here.

Mr. Tenny: Nino Lahiffe?

Nino: Here.

Mr. Tenny: Rose Lavillant?

Rose: Here.

Mr. Tenny: Samantha LeBlanc?

Samantha: Present.

Mr. Tenny: Vincent Lopez?

Vincent: Here, teach.

Mr. Tenny: Esra McAllies?

Esra: Present.

Mr. Tenny: Lila Rossi?

Lila: Here, Mr. Tenny.

Mr. Tenny: Chris Zaynson?

Chris: Here.

Mr. Tenny: Okay, a full class. Time to get started on our lesson. *He put the clipboard down on his desk. * Well, we covered pretty much one-step, two-step equations, how to combine liked terms... *Nicole raised her hand. * Yes, Nicole?

Nicole: We didn't cover combining liked terms.

Mr. Tenny: Okay, we'll do that next. Now, I want to share with you all a little exercise you can do next time. *He draws up the screen and reveals a few math problems. * These are just easy problems to do on your own. I'll give you all 10 minutes to do them and we'll go over them in class. Get out a piece of paper and get started. *They all did what Mr. Tenny said and did the work as he sat on his desk and read for a little bit. In The Conservatoire de Bordeaux Jacques Thibaud, in Mrs. Hernandez's class, she writes down Integers and faces the whole room. *


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