Finding the masks and heading to the Pont des Arts bridge

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In the Louvre, the girls went inside and they ran into Mr. Kubdel.

Mr. Kubdel: Oh, hello girls. What are you all doing here?

Alix: We're having a scavenger hunt, Dad. We're trying to find the Ladybug mask. It says it's in the Mona Lisa painting. Would you mind telling us where it is?

Mr. Kubdel: Sure. It's where the famous Portraits are located. To the left.

Alix: Thanks

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Alix: Thanks. *They start going to the left and into a room full of portrait paintings. *

Alya: Okay. Spread out and look for the Mona Lisa. *They start looking around, checking behind paintings from the bottom. Then, the boys came in and they started looking. *

Mr. Kubdel: Hello, boys.

Kim: Hi, Alix's dad. We're on a scavenger hunt.

Mr. Kubdel: So I heard.

Nino: We're trying to find a painting that has a starry night.

Mr. Kubdel: Starry Night... hmm...

Owen: Isn't this like cheating asking someone for help?

Nino: (turn to Owen) For now, consider this a free pass.

Owen: Okay.

Mr. Kubdel: I do know about Starry Night, it was painted by Vincent Van Gogh, a Dutch painter.

 Kubdel: I do know about Starry Night, it was painted by Vincent Van Gogh, a Dutch painter

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Nino: Thanks, Mr. Kubdel. *They start walking around the museum looking for the painting. While he walks around in the Louvre. In the bakery, once the cake was done and cooled off, Marin and Estelle started adding the strawberry filling, iced it, and decorate it for delivery. *

Marin: (holding a frosting bag) Think we're all done.

Estelle: Just about. *She added strawberries on top and a few more buttercream flowers. * Now we're done.

Tom: How does it look? *They showed him the cake they decorated. * That's what I call a great cake.

 * That's what I call a great cake

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