Relatives arrival, Jessica and Aeon move in, and Caseworker inspects

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In the Agreste Mansion, Adrien is typing on his computer when his phone buzzes, he reaches for it and sees what's in his phone. It's a message from Nino. He opened it and saw what he had written.

🐢: Hey, dude. Ready for the start of the scavenger hunt?

🐈‍⬛: Yeah. Where do we meet up?

🐢: The Liberty Boat, where Luka and Juleka live.

🐈‍⬛: Okay. I'll tell my father that. *He puts his phone back in his pocket and gets back on the computer, typing an e-mail to Wayhem. *

Plagg: You gonna tell him later?

Adrien: Looks like it. I have to finish this up. I promise Wayhem I reach out to him.

Plagg: That's noble of you to do that for a fan.

Adrien: You could say that. *In the Liberty, Anarka left the Liberty when Uncle Bill messaged her saying they landed, she told Luka and Juleka she'll be back to get them. Then, not too long, the door opened and Anarka walked in with Uncle Bill, Aunt Clara-belle, Lucy, Hamish, Hubert, and Harris. *

Anarka: Luka, Juleka?

Luka: We're in our cabin.

Anarka: Come say hi to your Uncle, Aunt, and cousins.

Luka: Looks like they came. *He and Juleka walk out of their Cabin and head to the living room. *

Uncle Bill: Hey, there they are. *Juleka hugged Uncle Bill, and then Aunt Clara-Belle caressed her cheek and kissed her on the forehead. *

Aunt Clara-Belle: Look at you.

Uncle Bill: Hey, champ.

Luka: (hugging Uncle Bill) Hi, Uncle Bill. *He hugged his Aunt Clara-Belle, she hugged him back and rubbed his hair. Lucy hugged them both and the triplets ran and hugged them, Luka picked up Hamish and tickled him, and Juleka picked up Hubert and Harris, she hugged them both and they tickled her. *

Juleka: Hey, stop! That tickles

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Juleka: Hey, stop! That tickles.

Hamish: Puppy! *They run and see Snowflake, they pet her and hug her. *

Aunt Clara-Belle: Boys, don't get too crowded.

Harris: Hi, Puppy. *He rubbed her and Snowflake licked his face, he chuckled. * She likes me.

Luka: She is likable.

Lucy: Aww, so cute. What kind of dog is she?

Anarka: (holding bottles of water for Bill and Clara-Belle) She's an Alaskan husky.

Uncle Bill: Ahh, that's a nice dog.

Anarka: Luka, Juleka, why don't you show your cousins your cabin?

Luka: Okay. Come on, guys. *They head to their cabin and Snowflake follows them. *

Lucy: I keep forgetting how you guys share a cabin.

The end of it all (A Trust that can't be broken) A Lukanette StoryWhere stories live. Discover now