Wednesday morning, Luka's delivery job, and meeting with Chloe

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In Paris, France, the sun slowly rose and the sun's rays beamed through Marinette's room, Marinette's alarm buzzed, and she woke up and looked at the time.

Marinette: Time to get up. *She sits up and stretches. * Good morning, Tikki.

Tikki: Good morning, Marinette. *Marinette got out of bed and walked to the trap door, opened it, and walked downstairs to the kitchen. She saw her dad in the kitchen, making breakfast. *

Marinette: Morning, Dad.

Tom: Good morning, sweetheart. Just making some waffles.

Marinette: Okay. *Marin yawned and scratched his back, Bridgette poured some milk in her cup, and Timmy sat at the table waiting for the waffles. *

Tom: Okay, waffles are done

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Tom: Okay, waffles are done. *He holds a plate of them and puts them on the table. * You all can take one waffle.

Marin: (narrow-eyeing Bridgette, moving his plate away from her) And don't sneeze on mine like you did when you were sick

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Marin: (narrow-eyeing Bridgette, moving his plate away from her) And don't sneeze on mine like you did when you were sick.

Bridgette: (flicking him on the head) Oh, shut up. That was an accident.

Marin: Mm-hmm, you say that now. *He gets the bottle of syrup, pours some on his waffle, and takes a bite. Bridgette adds some berries to her waffle and gets the bottle of syrup. *

Timmy: Where's mom?

Tom: She's in the shower. She'll be out soon.

Timmy: Okay. *He eats his waffle, Marinette gets a small of her berries for the Kwamis, and she takes a bite of her waffle too. Then, Sabine comes out of the bedroom. *

Sabine: Good morning. *They all said good morning to Sabine. *

Tom: (Hands Sabine a plate that has a waffle and scrambled eggs) Here you go.

Sabine: Thank you, honey.

Tom: You're welcome. *She picked up her fork and started eating her food. *

Sabine: Don't forget, we're going to the Adoption Agency to talk to the social worker.

Marin: (moving his fork with a piece of waffle on it) So, the stuff you guys filled out will go to China where another Adoption Agency from China will look at it and see if we're the right family to adopt a baby?

The end of it all (A Trust that can't be broken) A Lukanette StoryWhere stories live. Discover now