Meeting with the social worker, seeing the movie, and ending shift

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Meanwhile, Marinette and her family were at the French Adoption Agency, waiting to be called.

Tom: Well, we came on time.

Sabine: That's good. Hopefully, they'll give us some good news.

Tom: (Gently holds her hand) I'm sure they will. *Soon, the door opened and an Adoption Agency employee looked for them. *

Janice: Hello, we're ready for you.

Tom: Thank you. *They all got up and followed Janice to the office room. *

Janice: Please have a seat. *Tom and Sabine sit down on the chairs close to the desk while Marinette, Marin, Bridgette, and Timmy sit in the back behind their parents. * Before we get started, my name is Janice Santiago, nice to meet you all.

 * Before we get started, my name is Janice Santiago, nice to meet you all

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Tom: (Shaking Janice's hand) Nice to meet you, Janice.

Sabine: (Shaking Janice's hand too) Hello.

Janice: The pleasure's all mine, to all of you. Now, let's get down to business.

Tom: Yes.

Janice: Okay, so you have the forms all filled out?

Sabine: Yes, we do. It's all in here. *She puts the manila folder on the desk. *

Janice: Thank you

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Janice: Thank you. *She opened the folder and looked through the papers and saw the different certificates, passports, proof of education, income, financial status, physical exam certificates, and background check reports. * Hmm. I see you have all the kids' birth certificates, your marriage certificates, your marriage certificate, and other important documents.

Tom: Yep. It's all in here. *She looked at the family picture and she grinned. *

Janice: And a nice family photo.

Sabine: Thank you.

Janice: Okay. Hmm, everything looks good here. Is this the first time adopting a baby?

Sabine: Yes.

Tom: As you can see, we got kids of our own.

Janice: I can see that. Hmm, looks good to me. *She gathered all the papers and closed the manila folder. * Now, I'm gonna ask you a few questions.

The end of it all (A Trust that can't be broken) A Lukanette StoryWhere stories live. Discover now