The deal, Ladybug's mistake, and Shadow Moth more powerful

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In the alleyways, Ladybug and Viperion rendezvous to talk about the early incident at the Tour Montparnasse.

Viperion: Scales rest! *He de-transforms back to Luka. *

Luka: Listen, about what happened... *Before he could finish, Ladybug hugged him. *

Ladybug: Are you okay?

Luka: Yeah. If it wasn't for Lizard Lass stopping that Ferris wheel, I would've been done for.

Ladybug: At least I know who saved you. *He takes off his bracelet and hands it to Ladybug. *

Luka: It... kinda feels like I betrayed you.

Ladybug: (putting her hand on his shoulder) You didn't betray me. I'm just glad you're okay.

Luka: Thank you, Melody. *They both kiss. * Go get the other Miraculous back before you de-transform. *She leaped away as Luka walked away. In the Sewers, Ladybug goes to look for "Adrien". *

Ladybug: Adrien? Adrien? This can't be possible

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Ladybug: Adrien? Adrien? This can't be possible. *She leaves the sewers and goes to his house next. *

In the Agreste mansion, Gabriel storms into the house, and then his office, while talking to Nathalie on the phone.

Gabriel: How could the plan fail? Ladybug had to make a mistake! There's no point in going on any longer. Come back home with Adrien, and cancel everything. This is all futile now.

Nathalie: (on-call) The thing is...

Flairmidable: Ladybug did indeed make a mistake... uncle. *Gabriel drops his phone in shock. *

Nathalie: (on-call) I've lost Adrien, sir. He's no longer on the train.

Gabriel: Félix? *On the Startrain, Nathalie still attempts to contact Gabriel. *

Nathalie: Sir? *Lila turns around from her seat curiously and sees Nathalie coughing uncontrollably and collapsing to the ground from afar. She merely smirks maliciously. In Adrien's room, Adrien walks out of his bathroom displeased, while Ladybug swings in. *

Adrien: Ladybug?

Ladybug: Phew! There you are. I'm sorry I thought I told you we were supposed to meet up.

Adrien: Meet up?

Ladybug: Yes, so you could give it back to me.

Adrien: Give what back to you?

Ladybug: Well, the Miraculous of the dog.

Adrien: But you didn't give me anything.

Ladybug: Of course, I did! On the train.

Adrien: The train? ...Félix! *Ladybug's eyes enlarge as she gasps in horror. *

In Gabriel's office, Gabriel interrogates Flairmidable.

The end of it all (A Trust that can't be broken) A Lukanette StoryWhere stories live. Discover now