Phone call from Alya, pool day, and bakery shift

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In Marinette's room, Marinette came out of her bathroom, after her bath and brushing her teeth, she went through her closet and picked out an outfit. She picked out a Panda shirt, black pants, a pair of red shoes, and a red beaded bracelet. She goes to her vanity table and does her hair. Moose and Meemee start brushing her hair.

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Marinette: Thank you, guys

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Marinette: Thank you, guys.

Meemee: You're welcome.

Moose: Happy to help. *They put the brushes down and fly away. Marinette then put her white headband on her head. *

Marinette: There. All set. *Soon, her phone rang. She picked it up and saw who was calling her. It's Alya. * Hmm, it's Alya. *She answered the phone. * Hello.

Alya: Hey, girl. Did you hear the news?

Marinette: About school being canceled for the rest of the week? Yeah.

Alya: Well, we're planning on going to the pool.

Marinette: Is this a girls day or a group thing?

Alya: A group thing. You in?

Marinette: Sure. Are we meeting together or going by ourselves?

Alya: We'll meet at the pool. If you wanna know who'll be there, here's who they are: Me, Nino, Max, Alix, Nathaniel, Marc, Sabrina, Zoé, Kim, Ivan, Mylene, Rose, Juleka, and Luka.

Marinette: Okay. What about Adrien?

Alya: Nino's asking Adrien if he's coming with us.

Marinette: Oh.

Alya: You're up for it?

Marinette: Have to ask my parents.

Alya: Okay. Let me know what they say.

Marinette: Okay. *She hangs up her phone and starts packing her duffel bag with her swimsuit, swimming cap, towel, and goggles. She zipped up her bag and carried it downstairs to the bakery. In the bakery, Sabine puts two baguettes in a bag and hands them to the customer. *
Sabine: There you go, sir.

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