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Music Playing : Dwvn Phobia

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Music Playing : Dwvn Phobia

In a calm winter chilled morning in a rented house Felix scanned through a handful of papers containing his documents.
To apply for another job offer he got recently through his professor which he had to get into soon to earn for his bills piling up.

After getting out from his previous part time jobs. It was his first time getting into what he studied for, finally after his graduations and internship. As a soon to be doctor, now he felt excited on working for a very well known hospital in Seoul but they are also well known to be secretive on their ways as only rumors were spread about the place.

He piled up the documents accordingly in the file. Standing to find his back keeping the file inside his bag for the interview on if he's eligible to work for them.

"Alright.. That's done. Now I should go get ready before I get late for the first day" He hummed happily moving on to take a shower and freshen up.

After dressing on a casual work outfit, he ate his cereal faster to start his way to the place. Getting into his car he drove of inside the woods through the hilly road with instant nervousness hitting onto him. He tried to smile calming himself listening to the faint music he was playing in the audio.

Felix got up the hills opening his windows cool air hitting his skin as he neared to the gates with barricades surrounding the huge wall. He saw a watchman standing beside it as a sign for him to stop the vehicle near to his booth.

The man walked towards his car
"Do you have appointments? Or anything"

"I got here for a job to work as a doctor"

The watchman starred at him raising his eyebrows furrowed in sceptical calling someone in a telephone inside his resting booth.

Felix felt the nervousness craving into him again.

"Okay.. He's in front of me..yes madam..I'll do it" He cuts the phone diverting his focus towards felix.

"Sorry sir, we have been really careful with the visitor's because of some few encounters that caused troubles in here with the patients.
You can get straight through this gate be careful with the surroundings and turn your left to enter the parking lot"

"Oh y-yes, thank you" smiling slightly towards the man looking somewhat pity for him. Ignoring that he slowly started his car again entering through the metal gates starring at the huge crusty white painted building in front of him. Which might be having a very huge part in his future.

Driving his way straight towards the building surrounded by mist he saw few patients and workers in light blue uniform around the field of somewhat looked like an old garden. Surrounded by tall trees bushes and grass with greenery spreading in the cool air seemed to have been a really old maintained garden.

With stone seats settled around the place in both sides towards the building.

He turned towards the left arriving under the huge pillars of the hospital holding on. . Two men one in black uniform and other in working casuals stood in the entrance as one of them gestured him to come forward stopping by his windows.

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