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(1k special longer chapter ahead)

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(1k special longer chapter ahead)

On a serene and chilly morning around 8 am. Felix leaned in, a blank expression on his face, and commented, "Your roommate is hating this more than anyone else."

Jisung chuckled and rolled his eyes, understanding that Felix was referring to Minho's upcoming outing. "What isn't there that he doesn't find negatives on? You know how he is."

Jeongin, ever curious, interjected, "Oh, so it's today? His outing? And what's with the roommate and all that stuff?"

Felix nodded, taking a moment to explain the situation. "Yes, it's planned for today. I called Dr. Chan yesterday to ensure this. He told me Changbin will accompany me and Minho."

Jisung chimed in, "My roommate, of course. Lix is staying alone, damn."

Jeongin noticed the mention of Jisung's roommate and the curiosity got the better of him. "Seungmin is against this? Did he say something about that to you, Jisung?"

Jisung shook his head, "Nah... I heard it yesterday in the living room. He was talking to Changbin about Chan permitting Minho."

Jeongin couldn't resist poking fun, "Of course, eavesdropping."

Jisung rolled his eyes but continued to explain, "Seungmin is just... he worries or sees negativity in every matter. So, Felix, don't take it to heart too much."

Felix sighed and leaned back in his chair, looking a bit relieved. "Yeah, maybe he's just alerting me. He's been included in this case since Minho arrived, so he definitely knows what's going on."

Jeongin sipped his coffee and offered a reassuring thought. "Just take it easy, Felix. Minho seems to be changing, so it's going to work out fine."

Jisung nodded in agreement, his playful grin returning. "As I've said, Seungmin worries about everything. So, just stay chill, my friend."

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Silence hung in the air, casting a shadow over the terrace as Felix and the officer exchanged concerned glances.

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